My gear is here!!

Oct 06, 2011 19:28

I'm so excited and pleased with my purchase!!

With HTC Highroad arm and leg sleeves:

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furniture, photos, biking, clothes

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Comments 10

zeroed_in October 7 2011, 00:43:17 UTC
It may be men's cut but it looks pretty sexy with your huge boobies popping out the front!


gemcitytiffany October 7 2011, 21:13:31 UTC
RIGHT?? haha


zabox October 7 2011, 03:17:33 UTC
dayum grrl. As always, looking great. (and the comic was pretty cute)


gemcitytiffany October 7 2011, 21:14:03 UTC
Thanks! :D


talonvaki October 7 2011, 03:37:32 UTC
I hadn't seen that comic yet! I laughed so hard I scared a cat!


xpaperdolly October 8 2011, 18:55:01 UTC
I looooooove your outfit!! you look great btw!!

What's your name on twitter? my old twitter was xpaperdolly but i had to get a new one & i wanna re-add you =)


int0xi_kate November 3 2011, 18:46:02 UTC
Hi, I'm Kate. i was looking for new friends for my journal, and Kaycee Jane recommended you to me. Which first entry I see you have something that I am looking for!!! SKELETON BIKING JERSEY! Gawh I need one of those for bike races!!!!

Well anyway I"m 22, I have a 14 month old son, anything else you want to know just ask. I am sending a friend request I hope you accept and send one back!


gemcitytiffany November 3 2011, 19:01:11 UTC
Thank you :) I will add you back. I generally post a lot, been in a funk the past couple weeks, but trying to hop back into posting/reading more. You can find these jerseys on eBay I you search Northwave jersey! It's one of my prized possessions.


int0xi_kate November 3 2011, 19:09:51 UTC
Sending request now. :) are you living in minneapolis or is that just the area you are from?


gemcitytiffany November 3 2011, 19:28:33 UTC
Oh! I'm in Ohio, actually :)


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