The original movies (1-6) most DEFINITELY enhanced my enjoyment of the TV series. I actually loved that we got to watch them all grow older together, and deal with the issues of age and ending their careers... it was bittersweet in some ways, but mostly sentimental and sappy (and pretty funny at times). While the TV series was more about episodic fun, the original movie series was all about character development and completing the story. <333 I absolutely count them as one big series and believe you can't have one without the other.
And I think Shatner ages adorably. ^___^ Don't forget, Bones was scolding Kirk about his weight back in season 1 ("The Corbomite Maneuver")... so I think the fact that Kirk really got fat later in life is hilarious. Shoulda listened to your doctor. ^o^;
Now if you're talking about the NEW reboot movie-- uhm, no. It stands by itself in the corner, and should be spanked. Entirely unworthy of being compared to the original, and should be judged upon its own merits.
Comments 1
And I think Shatner ages adorably. ^___^ Don't forget, Bones was scolding Kirk about his weight back in season 1 ("The Corbomite Maneuver")... so I think the fact that Kirk really got fat later in life is hilarious. Shoulda listened to your doctor. ^o^;
Now if you're talking about the NEW reboot movie-- uhm, no. It stands by itself in the corner, and should be spanked. Entirely unworthy of being compared to the original, and should be judged upon its own merits.
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