after pt. 4

Feb 27, 2008 00:11

Title: after part 4/4
Pairing: Gelphie
Verse: musical
Disclaimers: i don't own these characters, it's sad but true

Some hours later Elphaba woke to find blond hair spread across her chest and a warm weight half on top of her.  It was the most amazing feeling of rightness, of goodness the two of them together like this.  There was no doubt, no question when she held Glinda sleeping in her arms.  She knew how insane that sounded to every painfully logical part of her brain.  She was still the Wicked Witch of the West and Glinda was still the ruler of Oz who was soon to be married in a very public ceremony but none of that mattered.

Elphaba felt herself smiling a way she hadn’t since before she had met the wizard and learned of his lies the way she hadn’t since she had arrived at Shiz.  It was as though the only way to overcome the past and all of their mistakes was together.  It had been necessary to leave when she did, it would have been too dangerous to stay, but it was equally necessary for her to return.

Glinda stirred from her human mattress lifting her head to look up into dark eyes, to reassure herself that they were real.  There were so many questions that still needed answers and so many decisions to be made in the coming days but not in this moment.  Right now it was time to celebrate the feeling of completeness that had grown in place of the emptiness in her heart.  Besides now that the two of them were truly together they were unstoppable.

“Hi,” Elphaba said still smiling radiantly.

“Hi,” Glinda answered her own smile surfacing.

“So what should we do now,” Elphaba asked knowing it was an almost unanswerable question.

Glinda just continued to look at her for a long time allowing her heart to fill with love and wonder at this surprising turn of events.  Until Elphaba spoke again, “that wasn’t rhetorical.”

Blue eyes sparkled with laughter at that, “I don’t know sweetheart, you and I, the options seem unlimited.”  With that Glinda shifted upward and ended any further conversation with the insistent press of lips.

They would worry about all of the things that take up so much space and seem so big later.  Right now all that concerned either of them was the far larger and far more important truth of love.
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