I have two pictures for you guys. One is based on mecelphie's characterization of Glinda and Elphaba and the other is a scene from the story. The second drawing is supposed to be slightly distorted since I wanted to focus on their expressions...they really aren't that close to each other.
Ratings: G for both
Glinda and Elphaba married and employed.
Glinda settled back against the arm of the sofa facing Elphie. Since her love was relatively immobile, not to mention oblivious she thought she would practice what she had learned about drawing human forms. Elphie quickly immersed back herself into her books. Two of them were general medical books and she was drawn to sections dealing with the skin, and with blood vessels as well as the sections on eyes. After about an hour Glinda got up to stretch and went over to take one of the tarts from the still full plate she had put on Elphie’s desk. She startled Elphie, fed her a bite of the tart, held the glass of milk to her lips and helped her take a drink, something, which caused Elphie no end of amusement. After a hug and kiss Glinda took the plate and went back to her sketchpad and Elphie to her books.
A while later Elphie looked up and saw Glinda’s beautiful face, with that same look she had when she was sketching the bird. She smiled at seeing her tongue poking through those wonderful soft lips. Glinda looked up, saw Elphie and smiled then turned her pad around and showed Elphie her sketch. Elphie grinned and applauded at a picture of herself hunched over her desk, playing with the temple bar of her glasses. The two girls shared a long loving gaze then happily went back to their activities without ever having said a word to one another. This was one of those times when words were unnecessary.
- Inevitabilities & Eventualities, Chapter 125; © mecelphie -