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gelbes_gilatier March 14 2016, 23:12:35 UTC
Gnarf, vergessen zu antworten *augenroll

Ja, haha, mich würde es auch interessieren ;) Ich versuche gerade, aus den fan studies was zum Thema Übertragung zu finden, aber scheinbar haben die Leute bisher nur untersucht, was übertragen wird bzw. wie representation und so was sich dann letztendlich auswirken, aber noch keiner scheint sich gefragt zu haben, wie das eigentlich vonstatten geht bzw. ob man irgendwie zuverlässig sagen kann "Da und da kommt bei der Mehrheit der Punkt, wo sie anfangen, über die issues aus Serien auch im RL nachzudenken." oder zumindest sagen kann "Okay, je näher dran die Serie an aktuellen Ereignissen ist, desto eher machen die Leute den Sprung" oder so. Fällt dir spontan aus der Psychologie was ein? Da hab ich bisher noch nicht reingeschaut, weil ich vermute, dass ich, wenn ich nach "transference" suche, eher nicht die geeigneten Resultate bekommen werde, oder ( ... )


jebbypal March 13 2016, 16:52:09 UTC
Honestly, the idea seems really cool. Wondering if maybe you could incorporate interviews with some big name fans who have used female soldiers in their fic. Thinking of arwenlune/primarybufferpane sga/generation kill fusion specifically.

Another show you may or may not have causght would be The Unit -- their last season examined both women in combat as well as putting a woman in a special forces group. Given the recent passing of several women through ranger school it might be a nice modern add.


gelbes_gilatier March 14 2016, 23:25:45 UTC
Wondering if maybe you could incorporate interviews with some big name fans who have used female soldiers in their fic.

Actually, I hadn't because my advisor and I agreed on doing it mostly in a kind of discourse analysis, meaning scouring blogs and message boards but I've been starting to think that it might be a good idea. At least I'll e-mail the suggestion to my advisor and see what he says. That would mean a more case study kind of focus for the thesis but I think it could yield some interesting results. Thanks for the suggestion!

Another show you may or may not have causght would be The Unit -- their last season examined both women in combat as well as putting a woman in a special forces group.

Oooh, no, I hadn't, specifically because it's about Delta and I knew there wouldn't be any characters I could use but wow, thanks for telling me about those developments. That would be super recent (considering the female ranger school graduates and everything) and since I'm still not sure whether it's the intensity of how much people ( ... )


jebbypal March 15 2016, 00:15:14 UTC
To clarify, the unit didn't have the woman going thru ranger school sadly. Plot device meant most of the delta operators were compromised, and the woman was army I believe who was employed to bring a team in from the cold and then continued as adjunct member of the team because "everyone knows delta doesn't have any women". So it would be more in cainof x years ago this is the way a woman was portrayed being able to get position and function in that environment. But today we could redo and actually have a woman go thru full ranger school etc.

Just didn't want to get your hopes up. I love 80 percent of unit dearly but there are 20 percent of plot lines (sadly mostly dealt with wives) that I have to fast forward they because they are too cringe worthy.


gelbes_gilatier March 15 2016, 00:29:01 UTC
No, that's fine, it's still a good suggestion. Ever since 2013, women in combat has been an issue that's been in the news cycle again and again, the female ranger school graduates, the Marine Corps "study" on the performance of gender-integrated teams (because it really was a "study", honestly, the entire set up was shit from the get go) and Ray Mabus's ruling to open all naval and Marine positions (followed by Carter's ruling to open the entire armed forces) just brought it back to the forefront for a while so I just need a show dealing with the general "women in combat" issue, not a specific event (I mean, a specific event surfacing in a show would be like gold but just episodes dealing with the general issue are fine, as well. Actually, episodes don't even have to deal with it, they just have to have female soldiers in them :D) and the fans' reaction to it (that's actually the most important part for the thesis). So, seriously, it's an awesome idea to at least look into it ( ... )


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