FanFic100: #025 Strangers

Mar 31, 2009 14:38

It’s all around her. Whispering and barely veiled giggling, curious looks, rolled eyes… behind every corner, in the labs, in the locker rooms… or at least that’s how it feels to her. It’s been almost three weeks on the Daedalus and she’s really starting to wish they would finally reach Atlantis. Of course that’s a rather limited space as well, but at least it’s bigger than this ship. Really, whoever had the idea of confining zoomies, jarheads, science geeks and medical personnel on this ship for more than three days?

She rounds a corner and passes Drs. Al’Marwi and Vansen from engineering… and yep, there it is again. Giggling, chuckling and then, “Hey, did you hear that thing about Ronon Dex and Jennifer Keller? Can’t believe she dumped him like that…” Inwardly she rolls her eyes. Don’t they have anything else to talk about?

Okay, so yeah, she does like to gossip as well. But even she has her limits and three weeks on the Daedalus is definitely enough. The same stories over and over again, nearly everywhere. Either you totally ostracize yourself and leave your quarters only for the absolutely necessary… or you constantly get to hear about Jennifer Keller and Ronon Dex, Jennifer Keller and Rodney McKay, Colonel Sheppard and Teyla, Carson and Dr. Porter, Dr. Andrews and Captain Michaels, all the strange stuff going on in Life Sciences, the soap opera that is the IT department…

She’s just kind of thankful she didn’t bump into any conversations about herself. She knows that there just have to be some, because quite a few still remember her and Carson together and surely her Demolitions crew thinks they might have noticed some strange things in the last few weeks. With a sigh she enters the mess hall, just to grab a sandwich - during the last week she has taken to avoiding the mess hall whenever she can for the time being because there it’s really worst.

So she hopes that they all won’t need too much time for getting their food that she might be spared the gossip… “You know what I’ve been wondering about?” No, probably not. In front of her, two other female Marine officer of the Atlantis contingent - Captains Hayes and Masterson - are standing and Hayes had this undertone in her voice.

Masterson just raises her eyebrow in an expecting way and replies, “No, but I bet you’re gonna tell me. Oh, hi, Laura.” She gives Masterson a tight little smile. Usually, she likes both Hayes and Masterson but today she really isn't in a chatty mood, most of all not if it’s about yet another gossip story.

Hayes acknowledges her shortly and then turns back towards Masterson, having noticed her rather tightlipped disposition. “Well… haven’t you ever wondered where - and with whom - Major Lorne passes his leaves? I mean, guy like him… what do you think? Single?” God, not that again. She really can’t count anymore how often she has members of the female part of the Atlantis and the Daedalus crew - yeah, and also some male members - heard trying to determine Major Evan Lorne’s relationship status and quite a few times also his sexual orientation. Which, quite honestly, she found most annoying of all. Really… who cares?

Masterson bites her lip and tries to look as if she’s thinking very hard. Then, “Not sure. There’s no ring on his finger, is there?” Hayes shakes her head. Yeah… so, is the only thing she might have contributed if she was in a contributing mood. “But that doesn’t mean anything, huh? He couldn’t have one or could wear it on his dog tags, so unless one of us stumbles into the guys’ locker room we’ll never know.” Hayes and Masterson share a meaningful glance and then a giggle.

God, she nearly says, how old are the two of you? And you’re talking about your goddamn CO. “Gosh, Lou, don’t give me any ideas. I might be tempted to try them out.” More giggling and some snorting.

“Yeah, but I bet it would be worth it… no matter if he’s single or not.” Masterson leans in a little towards Hayes and lowers her voice to a conspiratorial tone. “You know… that’s a guy I wouldn’t kick out of my bed even if he wasn’t single.” How long does she have to stand here? This conversation is really getting a little out of hand and today she just really isn't in the mood listening to her fellow officers drooling over their CO. And if it wasn’t enough that she had to listen to it, Masterson decides to drag her into the conversation as well. “Oh, hey, Laura, you’ve had to work closely with him some times before we went on leave. You don’t happen to know if he’s single, do you?”

All of a sudden she really isn't hungry anymore. She clears her throat and tries to be civil. “We didn’t talk on any other level than professional.” Before either Hayes or Masterson can start to needle her, she adds, “Uh… could you two please excuse me? I… just realized I have some paperwork I need to get done before we reach Atlantis.” With that she gives both of them a half-smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes and turns on her heels.

Relieved she could get out of that conversation, she makes straight for the personal quarters section, determined not to let herself get dragged into any other conversation again. Still a little annoyed, she opens her door, walks in… and finds herself in two strong arms, with her back pressed against the closed door. “My, Captain, what a coincidence. I was just about to walk out.”

She grins and languorously bends her head as lips start to kiss the crook of her neck. “You better not. It’s a jungle out there.”

“Really?” His eyes have a certain wicked gleam to them as he shortly looks at her before his lips continue to kiss the skin on her shoulders his hand just exposed.

“Really. I just had yet another two girls trying to grill me if you’re single.” He has started to relieve her of her uniform shirt and she can’t help slipping her hands under his. Mh… yeah, it’s true. That body is worth all the trouble you could get into for sneaking into the guys’ locker room.

“What did you tell them?” She lets him pull her shirt over her head and wraps her legs around him.

Ooooh… yes. “That I have paperwork on my desk that needs to be done.”

He chuckles against her skin which gives her all kinds of funny feelings. “Indeed you have. How the hell did you pass the last three weeks, huh?” She has now managed to get rid of his shirt and takes a moment to admire what’s hers.

“You are one to talk, Major. It’s all your fault I didn’t get anything done.” For a moment she thinks he’s going to deny it but instead he just carries her over to the narrow bunk and lays her down.

Perched over her, he grins. “True. Simply couldn’t help it. Forgive me?” Pffft, stupid question. How couldn’t she?

“Just this one time.”

He bends down and she feels his lips on her skin again as he replies smiling, “Fair enough.” After that, they’re finally done with talking, but she still can’t hold back a very smug grin. Her last coherent thought before fully concentrating on him is that she doesn’t need to care about how many Expedition members and Daedalus crew members take an interest in Major Evan Lorne as long as the only one he takes an interest in is her. True, there’s this pesky non-frat regs thing… but they’ll get it sorted out eventually. She really has to take care of other matters now.

fanfic100: amcm, fanfic100

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