Reminder Holiday Fic Request Meme 2013.

Jul 29, 2013 00:42

Remember guys, Holiday Fic Request Meme 2013 is up and I'm looking for prompts! There's still 27 open days to claim and I'd be happy to see as many fandoms as possible this year :) (new/additional fandoms include A Few Good Men, Top Gun, Stealth, The Avengers (MCU), Game of Thrones and Pacific Rim (even though I still have to see it yet *coughs), by the way)

Also, if anyone could point me towards some good Galloway/Kaffee (A Few Good Men) fics that would make me a happy little small fandom* shipper :)

*Is there even a fandom?

fandom: a few good men, fannish stuff, holiday fic hysteria

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