Fic: Joint Fire Support Team: From the Heart (Generation Kill/SGA) (6/6)

Oct 19, 2012 00:48

Title: From the Heart
Fandom: Generation Kill/Stargate
Rating: T
Genres: het
Summary: Um. Why did I never post this? Seriously, I can't remember. I'll just say the job I don't have anymore fucked my brain or something, okay?
A/N: Laura Cadman finally gets a proper welcome back from her now ex team leader. Or at least that's what intended to get on her way back from the infirmary.

From the Heart

“So close, no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
and nothing else matters.”

Metallica, “Nothing Else Matters”
She’s not quite sure if she should punish or reward Colbert for what he did. But then again, she should have expected it. Colbert’s the embodiment of United States Marine Corps spirit and ideals… and a damn mother hen. No, actually a mother hen could learn a thing or two from a Sergeant in the Corps. How to be so omnipresent that it’s futile to even try to escape being herded to the infirmary, for example.

She can’t quite believe that she let a Sergeant determine that she and the rest of the team needed medical attention badly enough to be made getting on the infirmary staff’s nerves. They’d had enough to do with the badly wounded people from Section 4D where the intruders had entered the Daedalus by force. Lots of it, actually. They honestly hadn’t needed another three people who could actually walk - badly, in her case but still possible - to add to their troubles.

Okay, so Jennifer had had a different stance on that - how could she even find the spare time to look her and Mehra and Porter over personally? - but really. Just a few bruises and cuts - okay, and a burn in Mehra’s case - a broken finger, a ruptured muscle fiber… could have been worse. Nothing a bandage, a cast and some Demerol couldn’t fix. It certainly hadn’t warranted Colbert shooing them to the infirmary first and then abandoning them to have their belongings sent to their respective quarters.

But, alright, that had been a nice touch. At least… at least now she doesn’t have to make that trip herself. It’ll be the last time he ever did that but for once she’ll let it slip. She’ll let it slip because she’s too tired and too sore and too much in want of where she’s going now to face off with the Iceman right now.

Where she’s going now… limping and crawling more like but she’s determined. Because she hasn’t seen him for almost three months and because they had had about two weeks to enjoy this relationship they’re having because she’d been off to Earth and because she couldn’t even look at him when she came here. There just hadn’t been time and she’s under observation by Colonel Caldwell. Not really the best prerequisites for a tearful romantic reunion.

Not that that’s their style, anyway.

Anyway, they did send each other e-mails and even letters but that’s just nothing compared to the real thing, most of all when you’re several million light-years away from your new boyfriend and are sitting around on base in the SGC because you’re waiting for your transition to be completed… and preparing for the promotion board and waiting for their decision later. That at least went well and the only reason she couldn’t enjoy the pinning ceremony to the full extend was that it hadn’t been Evan promoting her.

So. The real thing. Right here, right now. Or at least in a moment… oh come on, what’s taking him so long? She rang thirty seconds ago… ah. Yeah. There he is. Not… saying a thing, just… watching.

Okay, yeah, so she doesn’t exactly look like she did when she went off to Earth but… not so bad that he needs a moment to take it all in? So yes, there’s a cut above her left eye that needed stiches and a bruise developing on the left cheek… and yes, a bandaged right hand, because she had to break through a glass wall… and yeah, the ruptured muscle fiber, making her favor her… oh.

Kissing… kissing is good. Kissing is awesome. Kissing… needs to be reciprocated. Oh God, yes, yesyesyes. “I missed you. Jesus fucking Christ, I missed you.” Oooh, that is even better than being kissed like there’s no tomorrow. A hoarse whisper that tells her there was much more behind the casual, almost businesslike letters and e-mails he sent her and the way he drags her inside…

“Fuck.” Crap, crap, crap! Hand hurts, shoulder hurts, leg fucking hurts!

“I’m sorry, Laura. God, I…” It’s almost… adorable how he is flustered and concerned all of a sudden, when he was so interested in completely different things a moment ago.

Things she still is interested in pretty much. “It’s okay. Just a few bruises. I’m good, Evan. Can we please pick up where we just got interrupted?”

It makes him chuckle and she’s glad because the concern in his eyes told her a different story about how she looks than she likes to tell herself. It is, however, nice that it makes him do things such as gently brushing an errand sweat and soot encrusted strand away from her forehead and kiss her bruised cheek with a tenderness that nearly makes her cry. Suddenly, her voice isn’t stronger than a whisper, either. “We just ran into a spot of trouble. Gonna be okay soon.”

“I know,” he says and tenderly kisses a spot in the crook of her neck exposed from her battered uniform jacket, “Pretty big spot of trouble, if you ask me.”

“But who’s asking you?” she can’t help quipping when his hands wander beneath the jacket and his arms sneak around her midriff.

Careful not to hurt the bandaged one, she sneaks her hands beneath his pajama’s shirt, making a small sound of pleasure touching his smooth and warm skin. God, she missed that… “Laura.” What? What’s with the serious eyes and the stopping the kiss and the stilled hands and everything? “Laura, I…” He what? “That mission, I… I’m just glad you came back.” Well, so is she but… “There’s just… if I didn’t know how stupid it would be, I’d… I’d ask you to please never to do that to me, ever again.”

She… hadn’t expected that. And she hadn’t expected him bury his face in the crook of her neck and hugging her so tightly, either. And most of all, she didn’t expect herself to hug him back equally fierce and whispering, “If I didn’t know how stupid it would be, I’d promise you I wouldn’t,” while kissing his temple and burying a hand in his hair.

He takes a moment for himself, all careful and trying not to hurt her and then looks up, kisses her again, very thoroughly, as if he needs to burn it into his mind, so he never forgets. Or at least that’s why she’s kissing him back just as the same. When they break the kiss… she feels unexpectedly tired. Like suddenly the exhaustion she could keep at bay because there was always something that needed to be done or someone to be taken care of broke the dam of her self-control and came crushing down on her.

Evan… he just looks at her and gives her a short peck on the mouth and says, “Let’s get you tucked in, huh?”

All she can do is nod and then that’s exactly what he does. Helping her out of her boots, her uniform… letting down her hopelessly messed up hair, she never had felt so worn out that she’d wanted anyone helping her with all those mundane tasks but when Evan does it, it’s… sensual and soothing and reassuring all in one. It makes her sigh with contentment when she lies back on the sheets, her face turned to the ceiling and Evan crawling into bed, right beside her.

He lies down with a kiss to her shoulder, one arm across her belly, cradling her to him and the other behind her head, supporting her and when she turns her face towards him, the warm, tired smile on his makes her smile in return. In that moment, she knows. There might be dark days ahead, trying days, days full of pain and exhaustion like today, days of conflict within her team, with the brass, maybe even with him. She knows. But as long as those days always ends with them in bed, like this, she won’t complain. Because this… is the way it’s supposed to be. Just perfect.

crossover: joint fire support team, fandom: stargate, fandom: generation kill, fannish stuff

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