Fic: Jenna's War II: Big Girl (3/12)

Jun 26, 2011 13:57

Title: Jenna's War II: Big Girl (3/12)
Fandom: Star Wars
Rating: K+
Genres: Drama
Summary: There's good news and bad news for Private Jenna Melara... no, there are only bad news. And she wants to share them with all of us!
A/N: *head desks I suck. At updates, I mean. Anyone remember this story? Well, I intend to post updates maybe once a week in the next couple of weeks. I promise.

( Big Girl 1/12 )

( Big Girl 2/12 )


It’s been five hours since I left Borlin’s tent and once again I’m wishing that Tarkker would just drop dead. Someone got on his bad side and now he’s marching us through dunes and sand holes. In full battle rattle. Whoever had the brilliant idea to give command of the Platoon to that guy, huh?

Behind me, one of the guys who’s even newer than me is panting heavily and struggling in the deep sand. Tarkker’s busy driving some people up front crazy, so I risk falling back to help the guy. But when I take a look at his face I immediately holler in the general direction of the people who were before me, “Stop! We got dehydration and sunstroke here.” The boy falls face first into the sand. Great.

The first to hear me and come back to me is Xanas, who's not looking much better himself. But I know him; he always looks worse than he feels and for someone with his supposedly soft upbringing he’s got an impressive amount of stamina. Without saying anything, he helps me bring the boy that collapsed into a recovery position. While I try to wake the boy up, the others come back. Just when it seems as if the boy’s indeed waking up, Tarkker reaches us. He starts his usual routine at once.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing there, Melara?” Oh, aren’t we a clever one? Identifying the culprit at once, that’s what you’re good at, huh?

I stand up and stare him directly in the eyes. “Helping a fellow soldier. What does it look like to you?” And yes, leaving out the sir was deliberate. I’ve had it with that asshole. Besides, if everything goes according to plan, I’ll be gone by tomorrow and I’ll return as his superior.

“It looks like you're deliberately disobeying a direct order. I told you not to help the replacements. You violated that order.” In his eyes there’s a strange gleam. Up to now he’s been deadly calm but I know him. It can change any moment.

“We don’t leave a man behind. It’s a fundamental principle of Alliance military tradition. How about violating that?” To my right, Xanas moves as if to do something but I manage to stop him with a short side glance.

Meanwhile, Tarkker's cronies have gathered behind him. Great. “The replacements need to learn that in harsh environments such as the deep desert, everyone is on his own. You got right to question my training methods, Private.”

Someone is moaning. It’s the boy who collapsed. This is just frigging great. There’s someone obviously needing medical assistance and I need to fight with a petty, spiteful Corporal. “I have every right to question your stupid and inhumane training methods, Corporal. Now stop arguing with me. This guy needs medical assistance. Right now.”

“What our duty is, Private, is still my decision. We continue.” Okay, that’s enough. We’re the good guys. We don’t leave a man behind. And we sure as hell don’t let someone fry in the sun because of some frigging “I’m your drill instructor, call me God!” complex our obviously incompetent leader has.

“You can go on if you want to but I will bring that soldier back to camp. Anyone else volunteering to help?” I take a look around. Every face is closed off. Either they are staring at me in open disdain or trying to avert their eyes out of fear and shame. “No one? Well, well... I never thought Alliance Infantrymen were such a horde of spineless worms. Come on people, I’m offering you a legitimate chance to get out of this stupid waste of a time.” Whoa. And I never knew I could be such a manipulative bitch.

“I’ll go with you.” Xanas. I should be annoyed but all I feel is relief. With a start I realize that I’d been afraid he’d desert me as well. It takes all of my willpower not to show my gratefulness too openly. We’ll have plenty of time to talk from tomorrow on.

“See, that man’s actually got brains and balls.” Did I just see him blush under his tan? Nah, must have been imagining it. “So, anyone else? No? Okay.” Tarkker’s glaring at me maliciously. See if I care, laser-brain.

I motion for Xanas to move over and we both take one of the replacement’s arms and hoist him up on our shoulders to drag him back to the camp. Without a word or a look back, we start walking. Only when the whole group has vanished behind a dune, I hear Xanas say, “You know you just got yourself in a real big mess, right?”

I smirk. “Maybe. But Tarkker doesn’t know that the mess he got himself into is even bigger.” He throws me a quizzical glance but I only give him a cryptic smile. Let’s see if he can do the math himself.


One hour later we're sitting in front of the mess tent, chewing on ration bars and taking a swig out of our canteens every now and then. It took us half an hour to drag Private Buff - he told us his name when he was lucid for a short time - back to the camp and another thirty minutes to get out of the hospital tent and into the Company CP to report to Borlin and tell him of the incident. I swear, I've never before heard a man swear so fluently, in so many languages, so fast. It was a truly awe-inspiring tirade.

Now everything has quieted down a little and we’re waiting for the rest of the platoon to come back. I guess now is as good a time as any to tell Xanas of his good fortune.


“Mh?” He turns to me, the muscles of his bare torso and arms very visible, since he pulled down the upper half of his jumpsuit. Glistening rivulets of sweat drip slowly and enticingly down his perfectly-sculpted torso.

Wait. What the hell am I thinking? Should probably cut down on the romance holo novels.

Anyway… don’t get distracted, Melara. It’s not as if you haven’t seen a man half-naked before.

“You still want to go to Chandrila with me?” His head turns around and a lazy grin is appearing on his face. Just like he already knew I wouldn’t go without him. Bastard.

“Yeah, why are you asking?” As if you don’t know already.

“Because I got us both a ticket out of here. Tomorrow morning we’ll be leaving in a shuttle for Chandrila.” Now the grin is fully reaching his eyes, making his face glow. Gods, why does he have to look so adorable, like a kid who just got full access to a free candy shop?

“How’d you do that?” Oh, ha, you didn’t really believe I’d get the permission to take you with me, huh?

“Oh well, I just used my female viles on the Captain…”

His face turns into  a mask of disgust. “You didn’t… did you?” Grrr.

“You know… just for actually believing that, even for a second, I should let you roast here in the sun.” He actually looks hurt now. Well, suits him right for thinking I’d really do any of those things people like Tarkker are spreading rumors about.

“I didn’t. Honestly Mel, I didn’t! It’s just… well… you know.” No, I don… oh. Wait. Is that jealousy talking? I’m speechless, looking away from him, and I'm suddenly showing an unusual interest in the tips of my boots. He gets the hint. “Oh… oh, no, that came out wrong. I really didn’t mean… I didn’t want to say…” Actually, it does hurt a little, seeing as he’s jumping to deny everything so fast.

“You better not have. Because if everything goes according to plans, you’ll be calling me “ma’am” in six weeks.” Now it’s his turn to be speechless. His jaw even drops, as well as his half-eaten ration bar. Not a pity, if you ask me. They taste like sand anyway. “Don’t look at me like that. Captain told me yesterday that I've got two weeks of leave, then I'm to report to a crash course for officers. If I make it through that, I’ll be a Second Lieutenant by the time I join you again. I’ll be Dernel’s replacement.” Gods, I just hope this sounded as business-like to him as it sounded to me.

For a while, neither of us says anything, then Xanas snorts and says with a grin on his face, “Big mess for Tarkker, indeed.” And for the first time after the message of my father’s death, I feel a real smile creeping over my face. Maybe, just maybe, I’ll make it through it all, after all.


TBC in Chapter Four.

star wars: jennas war, fannish stuff

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