Fic: Minor Characters I: Odd Man Out (3/19)

Nov 20, 2010 12:49

“You going to stand around here for another ten minutes, Dee?”

Shaken from my thoughts I briefly close my eyes and answer, “Of course not. The Major would hate if I had you let wander the corridors on your own, without my protection.” I smirk. I really should stop those stupid attempts and flirting because she doesn’t even…

“Protection, Master Sergeant? Why, of course, you are right. A girl shouldn’t be wandering the halls around her alone. After all, there could always be a Goa’uld or replicator jumping right out of the next door. So… lead on, big protector.”

With she gives me a smile and a wink. All right. So much for “not noticing”. I just hope she doesn’t see the embarrassment creeping up into my face as we make our way to the briefing room.


TBC in Chapter Four.

stargate: minor characters, fannish stuff

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