Fic: Under Covers (1/3)

Jan 24, 2010 01:54

Title: Under Covers
Fandom: Star Wars
Rating: T
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama
Summary: Sometimes, only revenge keeps you alive. OCs, and the question of the man behind the monster. Among others.
A/N: It's been a while since I wrote anything Star Wars (and to think that used to be my main fandom, even the one that actually got me into writing fanfiction... I might still get back into writing it one day) but I recently discovered starwars_fanfic and thought I'd give a few of my Star Wars stories a shot on LJ. Hope you like them :)

Under Covers

“That’s all for now, Miss Danier. Let’s call it a day, mh?” She looked up from her desk, and gave her boss a surprised smile.

“Sir?” A creased forehead, a wrinkled nose, pursed lips. Sievers’ face lit up in jovial friendliness. Men, she thought with a hint of contempt. All the same, just everywhere. And in her head she rolled her eyes. It was only a matter of time now that she had him where she wanted him. Only a matter of time now before she could quit this… job.

“We’ve worked really hard today. Don’t you want to go home?” He winked at her, and she’d almost really rolled her eyes at him. And almost had said something like “Home? I don’t have a home. I’ll never have one again. And no thanks to you.” But it would have gotten her killed. Not that she would have minded, but others would have minded if she’d gotten them killed as well.

So she just said, “Sure, sir. I just… anyway, never mind. And thanks for the early finishing today.” Now she gave him a dazzling smile. A promising smile, that said “It’s such a lovely day, and I can’t wait to get outside and have fun. Why don’t you come with me?” And she knew he would come if she would ask. She almost had him where she needed him. She just knew it.

Sievers returned her smile, dimples showing on his cheeks, making him look younger than his actual 36 years. She felt herself blush, and willed herself to believe that she’d done this intentional. Even if she knew full well that no one without conditioning or implants could actually fake blushing. He raised an eyebrow, amusement dancing in his eyes. “Well, well, Miss Danier… if I didn’t know better, I’d say you have something to hide from me.”

For a moment her heart stopped to beat, and she felt like the world was going black all around her. He found out. I’m going to die. The others are going to die. Everyone’s going to die. Again., were her only thoughts, just for the fraction of a second. Then, suddenly, she was herself again. Her training had won over, and she was herself again. She blinked, and hoped with all her heart that she hadn’t betrayed herself within the moment where she had lost it. Trying to cover up her slip, she lowered her eyes in what looked like embarrassment. “Oh no, sir. You know everything about me. I couldn’t hide anything from you.” It was a lie. He knew nothing about her. But she’d be a fool to tell him that.

“I hope so. I’d be severely disappointed if… oh if for example you’d have a sweet heart.” Nothing in his voice signalled that he had noticed her short black out, but she wasn’t so dump as to lull herself into safety. He was, after all, the commander of the local ISB-investigation unit. From Sub-Adult Group through CompForce Observ he’d made it into the higher ranks of the ISB in less than 10 years.

She forced herself to whip her head up again and give him a flirtatious smile. “Then I’m happy I don’t have to disappoint you, sir. I was merely looking forward a little shopping trip and maybe eating something at the Jolly Sullustan.” Come on, say it. Just ask me. To encourage him, she lifted her eyebrows in a suggesting way.

But instead of happily asking her, he furrowed his brows into a frown. “The Jolly Sullustan? I wouldn’t have thought you’d fancy that kind of restaurant.” Yeah, that’s ‘cause you’re a little specieist bastard that can’t put up with anything regarding non-humans. Something dark inside her stirred deep beneath and she forced herself to put it back into its black place. She knew what it was, but she wouldn’t let that cloud her mind. Not now; when she’d come so far. There would come a time for that deep, dark hatred to be released, but just not now.

Instead she creased her forehead into a cute little frown and gave her eyes a puzzled glint. “Oh, but it’s the best. Well, the best I can afford, I mean…”

He smiled again, and she was a little surprised to see it lacking any joviality or patronizing. She really had him pecked as the type of guy who’d like to show-off. But he was just… smiling, and looking a little sheepish. Like a little boy asking his kindergarten love to come home and play with him. “You know… you’ve been doing great work here, and you are a tremendous asset. I would really like to gratify this. Would you mind if I invited you to the Saber Cat’s Den? I’d be… I’d be honoured if you would accompany me.”

Jackpot., was the only thing she could think of for a moment. Jackpotjackpotjackpot. That was it. She had him. She’d waited for this… four long years she’d waited for this. She’d worked hard, hadn’t let herself be intimidated when people had started calling her obsessed, had even doubted the use of her mission. She’d just gone on and on and on. She and her team. And now… “I’d… sir, that would be… too much of an honour.”

She risked a peek, to see how he was taking it. For a moment she saw his face fall, but he recovered amazingly fast from it. “Oh no, Miss Danier. You’ve really done a tremendous work here. You were a great help.” Yes. In averting death warrants, in covering up Rebel operations, and in generally sabotaging your work. Which was, she had to admit, in itself a great achievement - and maybe the only thing why her superiors had allowed her to continue with her chief mission - but it wasn’t the actual goal.

“Do you really… I mean, I’m not sure if I have something adequately to wear…” From some distant place she suddenly heard someone laughing. It sounded a lot like Yana. Yana, who always had to endure endless tirades about all those girls parading around and batting their eyelashes and pretending to be helpless little creatures. But Yana was dead. Yana couldn’t laugh at her anymore.

He sighed and plunged himself into he seat at the desk opposite from her. He tried a lopsided grin now, and puppy dog eyes. For just a tiny little moment she caught herself staring at him and thinking stuff along the lines of adorable, nice, handsome. But she would not let herself be fooled again. Opposite her was sitting a murderer. A mass murderer. It had taken her half a year to recover. And another half a year to find the man responsible for… everything. And three years to gain enough trust in the local ISB-office to become its commanding officer’s personal assistant. Years full of breathless stealth, hushed action… and sometimes she’d been close to fully lose it, to finally forget who she was and what she was. But she made it. All for just one moment. And that moment was almost tangible now. She. Would. Not. Let. Herself. Be. Fooled. Again.

“Miss Danier… I can assure you: Whatever you will be wearing, it will be fine. For me, anyway. So… will you do me the honour?” She felt herself blushing again. It wasn’t often people paid her compliments. As a consequence over the years she seemed to have lost the ability to deal with compliments. She could deal with insults, alright. Her team made sure of that. But compliments?

Stop it. This is an assignment, and you are not in high school anymore. Finish this. “I… yes, sir. How can a girl withstand such persistence?” And another sweet smile. One with a hint of promises of a… less innocent nature.

Now a full-fledged grin. “Great. I’ll send a car, 0730 sharp.”

Her mouth formed a little “O”, and she batted her eyelashes and said thank you and until later and packed her thinks and went home.


TBC in Chapter 2

fandom: star wars, fannish stuff

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