Jan 10, 2011 15:06
So I saw this epic post about which of the Hogwarts Houses each Digimon character would be in, and I figured "Oh hell, may as well ask about P3 since I love it so much."
So tell me... Which Hogwarts House would the P3 characters belong to?
Aaaannd... GO!
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Comments 17
Minato: Gryffindor
Minako: Gryffindor
Yukari: Hufflepuff
Junpei: Hufflepuff
Fuuka: Hufflepuff
Akihiko: Gryffindor
Mitsuru: Ravenclaw
Aigis: Gryffindor
Ken: Slytherin
Shinjiro: Gryffindor
Koromaru: B/t Gryffindor and Hufflepuff
Gryffindor: Akihiko, Shinjiro, Junpei, Koromaru
Hufflepuff: Both protagonists, Aigis (somewhat conflicted between this and Gryffindor, but as she isn't brave so much as incredibly devoted...)
Ravenclaw: Mitsuru, Fuuka, Chidori
Slytherin: Yukari, Ken, Takaya, Jin, Ikutsuki
I guess I don't know where else I'd put her. She's not brave enough for Gryffindor, not loyal and dependable enough for Hufflepuff, and not particularly much like a Ravenclaw, either. /:
Minako: Gryffindor
Minato: Ravenclaw
Yukari: Hufflepuff
Junpei: Gryffindor
Akihiko: Gryffindor
Shinjiro: Ravenclaw
Mitsuru: Ravenclaw
Fukka: Hufflepuff
Ryoji: Slytherin
Aigis: Gryffindor
Koromaru: Hufflepuff
Ken: Hufflepuff
Chidori/Jin/Takaya: Slytherin
Bebe: Hufflepuff
Pharos: Slytherin
I like your choice for Ken :3
Thanks! I figured it fit him. And I <3 Bebe lol I waited to max out his link so he would be in Kayoto!
It does fit :3 Lmao I was impatient and maxed his waaaay too quickly D;
The Arisatos: Gryffindor
Hidetoshi: Ravenclaw/Hufflepuff
Yukari: Hufflepuff
Pharos: Slytherin
Fuuka: Hufflepuff
Akihiko: Gryffindor
Mitsuru: Ravenclaw
Aigis: Gryffindor
Ken: Hufflepuff
Junpei: Gryffindor
Shinjiro: Hufflepuff
Ryoji: Slytherin
Bebe: Hufflepuff
Rio: Hufflepuff/Gryffindor
Akinari: Ravenclaw
Strega: Slytherin
Velvet Room Siblings: Ravenclaw
And the rest of the s-links since I had a brain fart apparently lol
Gryffindor: Akihiko, Shinji, Stupei Junpei, Rio, Akinari, Ken, Hidetoshi
Slytherin: Minato , Pharos/Ryouji, Chidori, Elizabeth
Ravenclaw: Jin, Mitsuru, Margaret (yes I decided to include her)
Hufflepuff: Minako, Kenji, Saori, Maiko, Aigis, Theodore (actually, I have no idea where to put him, so... here he is XD)
Edogawa-sensei could totally replace Snape as the DADA teacher, or become the new Potions teacher. ide. 8| he'd love his job.
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