Repartition Chapter 2

Dec 16, 2012 16:44

Title: Repartition (part of the Golem-verse)

Written for this Prompt

Warnings: The same warnings as before, but also ALL of angst.

Summary: The dwarves arrive.

Note: Post-Avengers

Chapter 2

The door opens, light blocked by Thor’s large form. Loki steels himself, fingers clenching into fists. He stands before any of them reach to pull him up.
Loki had been prepared when he thought he was walking toward his destruction with Odin, this is no different. They will not see him cower.

“Is it time then?”

Thor says nothing. “Come along, brother. Let’s go wipe me blank.” The bright smile on his face makes the Midgardians around him shuffle back, disturbed, though they say nothing. The silence is haunting. He walks toward his not-brother, starting only a little when the heavy hand falls on his shoulder to lead him down the hall. The shackles on his wrists a morbid song as they walk. There are eyes following them, he forces a brilliant grin at every camera they pass.

The only sounds are the tread of their boots, he turns to Thor.

ldquo;Any pathetic child hood memories that you’d like to dwell on before they don’t exist?”


Loki flinches; the woman is looking at him oddly. He snarls at her and directs his attention down the hall, ignoring everything else.

It is explained to him as they lead him there (where it will happen, he is only half listening because after it none of this will matter). Thor had bypassed his father and gone to the council, who agreed that upon the sealing of Loki’s powers that his escape from the previous punishment warranted “an exile” for an extended period. Heimdall, Thor continues, will not tell the Allfather unless he is asked specifically. The gate keeper was personally affronted that Loki, a golem, had been able to sneak around him with such ease.

Loki physically balks, (Odin doesn’t know, if he can just-) fleeting hope is crushed when Thor orders him to stand by the bar in a way that makes the part of him still bound to his not-brother refuse to let him to flee.

He will still be considered prince in body.

Loki laughs, near hysterical. He can feel the gaze of the Midgardians on him. He doesn’t stop until he sees his maker standing in the center of the room, Eitri’s brother seated on the couch, and then it cuts abruptly.

One of the dwarves will make the changes, their Captain says, his voice a sad attempt at reassuring (One of the dwarves. Eitri looks down). You will be recoded to answer to Thor. He touches Thor’s elbow as if to verify that Thor will be alright with this. The sentiment is clear in his eyes.

“I will be saddened, yes. But it will finally be working properly again.” Thor gives them a wry smile, “I forget some times, that we are not actually related. That never seemed to matter before.” He gestures at Loki, still standing silently beside him, eyes glued forward. “And then he began to believe his own lies.”

”… wait, what?” Barton mutters. Roger’s eyes grow wider as Thor keeps talking.

“One adjusts to what one is always told. I will adjust again.”

“It’s sentient?”

“He’s…” The Captain looks up at the ceiling. “Loki is an A.I.?”

The berserker grips Stark’s arm tightly.

hor turns to the dwarves.

“You are sure?” Eitri asks, standing to move forward, he looks to Loki and back. He will try to delay as he did when Frigga first wanted him wiped clean. Loki wonders if the warmth he feels in his chest for the dwarf will hold over when he is no longer himself, or if it will disappear with him. “You have given this thought. Because I will-” he pauses at Thor’s expression. “I will take him with us to give you time to do so. He will not cause trouble for us.”

“He is a master piece,” Brokkr interjects. “Beautiful craftsmanship.”

“The Allfather-“

Thor slams his hand on the table, there is a crack. “He is bound to me, dwarf. Not my father. And you will do as I say.”

One of the agents by the window calls out, “Can you make it so we don’t have to worry about it eventually starting to break things again?”

The dwarf looks at the man, irritated, then to Thor who nods, then to Loki. Who tries to ignore that his eyes feel wet.

Eitri slowly raises his hand, rests it on the back of Loki’s neck (he breaks then, just- breaks- and wants to cling to his maker the way he did as a child).

“You are a good boy,” Eitri whispers. The tears come.

They watch. They all watch, always watching, he can never do anything.

Banner leaves the room, only stopping to address Stark who is still hovering by the far wall. (“Tony,” he whispers, “maybe you should-” but Stark jerks his arm out of his grasp). The door shuts quietly behind him.

Thor stands just out of arms reach from them, looking on in (self directed) sorrow, but still firm in his choice. Resolute. Loki cannot look away from him. He stands as still as possible until the dwarf finds the coding that makes it impossible for him to move (his eyes startle to Stark, who flinches, then back to his brother again), and when he feels the dwarves reaching for something else in him he tries to pull it away but it won’t move and he thinks terror panic please god no don’t I’ll be good I promise I don’t want to di-


Loki’s eyes flicker.

Tony watches the color leach out of the body, its head slumping forward.

“Thor,” Steve says quietly. “Why do you call Loki your brother?” The whisper is loud in the silence of the room.

“A simple misunderstanding, he did not know better.” Steve looks as though he wants to jerk away at the response, but doesn’t allow himself to. “He used to call the queen mother; there was not much we could do when the court found out.”

They stand watching as the dwarves weave spells into and around the body. It seems to take hours. Clint fusses with his arrows.

Then its eyes open, but stay blank. They are the same vibrant green. It looks at Thor, smiles pleasantly, and bows.


Tony feels sick.


all the angst, tony, fanfiction, loki, prompt fill, avengers, golem-verse

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