What happens when I work too much

Apr 06, 2012 02:24

Because I'm still fanarting fanfiction.

I've been trying to get this out of my head for weeks, with little success. Not 100% on the end, but I needed away from it. Also not tree pose, I used crane (or crow) pose instead.

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thor, loki, the yoga broads, really?, fanart, anatomy is dumb, the scene from the comments that did not, what am i doing with my life

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Comments 7

valiha April 6 2012, 16:28:50 UTC
OMG! I actually laughed out loud and startled my aunt, who just happened to be in the room with me! I tried to explain but I don't think I was successful. :D

LOVE Loki's hair and his WTF? expression!


gekkoryu April 7 2012, 02:47:58 UTC
That reaction is usually what I'm shooting for when I decide to do anything. Glad you enjoyed it!


haicrescendo April 7 2012, 02:11:30 UTC
GAAAAAAH I LOVE YOU AND I LOVE IT WHEN YOU DRAW THIS SORT OF THING FOR ME. This is perfect and beautiful and everything good in the world. ♥ THOR'S FACE. LOKI'S FACE. LOKI'S YOGA FRIEND. (She's kind of seriously adorable.) ASDFGHJKL;. Thank you so much, this is lovely! ♥ ♥ ♥


gekkoryu April 7 2012, 03:07:14 UTC
You are very welcome.
I have a few failed attempts at Loki hanging out with the two girls from yoga and since I appear to have run out of scenes that only happen in comment conversations I may take another stab at them.


haicrescendo April 10 2012, 03:29:09 UTC
That would be fantastic and amazing if you did! :D Loki and his mortal friends who he refuses to actually admit are his friend have some super fun dynamics.


coneycat April 10 2012, 11:38:58 UTC
*howls with laughter*

This is cute beyond words!


gekkoryu April 10 2012, 18:58:04 UTC
Thank you! I enjoy my intricate use of background details.


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