The Unquiet Thought, Chapter 5

Jun 10, 2013 23:44

The way I write Dummy is inspired by scifigrl47 and the Tales of the Bots series. I am a sucker for Bot Feels and “The Act of Creation” has ruined me for other interpretations (sort of, or maybe not, but it's my favorite version so far).

There is Science )

tony, fanfiction, loki, the bots, golem-verse

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Comments 11

maulfan June 11 2013, 03:50:02 UTC
O.O GO TONY. Just... GO TONY GO!!! And also, I really, really want to cuddle Loki because *sniffles* he is so much like a child D':


nemi_chan June 11 2013, 13:12:37 UTC
Ah, JARVIS syntheisizes information and acts upon it with intent to please Tony, and maybe get Lo' some help. A milestone Loki has yet to reach. ...You know I was about to say Loki does seem to have a theory of mind, but I'm not sure about that. Will Tony do the Sally-Anne test?

(To save google time: Sally has a box, and Anne has a basket. Sally has a delicious cookie which she hides in her box and then she goes awy. Anne tkes the cookie and hides it in her basket. When Sally comes back, where will she go to get the cookie? Up until around four years old, kids will insist that Sally will look in basket.)

I wonder about the "doll" thing, obviously it's ment as a term of endearment, but give Loki's current state...well things to ruminate on for JARVIS.

And, huh. Even though Tony knows a hell of a lot better than Thor, he too was expecting some preprogramed personality ( ... )


gekkoryu June 11 2013, 14:03:29 UTC
Loki was not involved in the last part, it was only the bots. Dummy drew from the scans (thus having to repair and process the data to make it compatible), not Loki himself.

The line itself is a direct quotation from the second installment of the series.


nemi_chan June 14 2013, 00:21:06 UTC
Ah, I understand. I think I was thrown by the file type being incompatable, on the grounds why would JARVIS make the scan file a funny type?


gekkoryu June 15 2013, 00:46:41 UTC
It's less the file type and more like when you try to open a word document and the ENTIRE PAGE is filled with code/indecipherable figures (I can't be the only one this has happened to) and your first thought is wtf does this mean.

The scan actually drew bits and pieces from the nordic language used in "Liesmith" and would have appeared as runes, which Dummy did not have a translation key for. So he had to mess with it to read anything.

Also, magical interference. That's why JARVIS tells Tony that something is going wrong with the scans.

All of this is obviously not that clear outside of my head, so I'm trying to think of a way to fix it.


anonymous June 12 2013, 14:05:03 UTC
Go, Tony! With the science and the punching.

I'm waiting eagerly for the first time Loki will address Thor as "Sire".

I must admit that I don't quite understand the bot conversation with the phrase "I'm hallr" either.


logosh June 14 2013, 00:26:05 UTC
Hmmm, the conversation between Tony's machines just has me curiouser and curiouser. I wonder if Loki will respond to "Hallr"


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