
Aug 27, 2006 15:52

Kaidoh Hazue here. So my brother and his boyfriends are idiots. I would have done this from Kaoru's journal, but he expired all his lj sessions from over at Sanada-san's yesterday, and I don't have his password. Luckily for me, Shishido-san is an idiot who left himself logged in on my dad's laptop and hasn't bothered to expire his other sessions. He probably doesn't know how. So ha! I'm posting here so all of Kaoru's friends can see what a lamewad my brother is.

I'm pretty sure Kaoru had sex with Shishido-san when Shishido-san spent the night because I found a condom wrapper with Shishido-san's name on it under the bed. I don't know what kind of idiot puts his name on his condom wrappers, but whatever. And also it was a flavored condom, but it didn't say what it was flavored like. I don't really want to think about it though because its kind of gross.

Kaoru wrote in his journal a while back about how he had to buy me new dance mats for DDR, but he didn't say that the reason was because he had SEX on them. I was going to go see if maybe I could play a round of DDR against Inui-san because Inui-san is really cool, but when I went to go ask there were noises coming from Kaoru's room. Well, I had to press my ear against the door to hear them, but I did. He was hissing and swearing and there were other noises too and yeah, my brother is a big pervert. So I left and then he bought the new dance mats and I SO knew what happened then. EW.

And the other night, Fuji-san was over and they were watching Snakes on a Plane and I wanted to watch, too, but I figured they were doing something lame while watching it so I left them alone. And so I watched the DVD today and at first it was the movie, but then afterwards there was all this gay porn on there. Fuji-san spent the night after they watched the movie. I'm pretty sure everyone that stays the night with him is just so they can do nasty stuff.

He also has all these nasty im conversations between him and all his boyfriends saved on his computer. Oh! And before he expired his lj sessions, I saw that he has this huge post with like 600 comments on it where him and Sanada-san talk nasty to each other. Well, they talk about other things, too. I didn't really read though because everything was either really boring or really nasty.

And he has all these really gross icons that he uses in that post, too. And he's always talking about Inui-san, and Fuji-san, and Momoshiro-san and Shishido-san in that post. I kind of wish I had screencapped it all like Momoshiro-san does when he sees things like that. Yeah, Momoshiro-san, I read your journal, too. I read all of your journals. I'm still reading them. You guys are all so gross. I hope I'm never as gross as you guys are when I'm fourteen. O.o

He also talks about me a lot and how much time I spend talking about Neopets. So maybe I should tell you all about Neopets. Neopets are so awesome. And a much better subject than my lame brother. Hahaha. I guess reading Shishido-san's journal made me pick up that word, I've been using it a lot. He writes a lot about his feelings in all these locked posts on his journal, but I'll be nice and not mention anything in them. Even if they make me want to puke because they're so sweet and girly.

NEOPETS. Right. No more talk of Kaoru and his lame boyfriends. Neopets is the most awesome site ever. My brother thinks I don't read fan fiction like all of you guys do, but I do. I just read it about Neopets and none of the lame stuff you guys do. Hahahaha. Here's some links to a few of my favorite Neopets fics.

Frank by The Water Daemon Rated M - A story about Frank Sloth before his illustrious career as a villain. COMPLETE.
With Or Without You by Crosby Inc. Rated M - During the saving of Terror Mountain from a Mining Crew, Armin's admiration for Hannah is growning out of control and Hannah doesn't realise this. Can she ever return his love? First Part Complete Now 5 years after...
He's Moved On by Return of Itsy Rated M - Hannah's gone, and Kanrik is crushed. Who will be there for him now when Kanrik needs someone the most? GuyxGuy fic. Be warned...YAOI! XDD

There's a lot more I have read, but those are all the ones I think you perverts would enjoy. Anyways, I'm bored and Kaoru isn't back from Sanada-san's yet. I think they had plans to have a lot of sex cause the most recent comments in that locked post said something about it and Sanj-san posted about it in Sanada-san's journal, too. But really, I think if I talk about Kaoru's sex life anymore I'm going to puke. And I don't think my dad would be too happy if I puked all over his laptop.
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