Anyone want to fund a J-drama/toku

Mar 12, 2008 08:36

Remember this? Well, it ain't over! dimmie, amamiyarin, muzivitch and I have spent the past 4 days perfecting the cast list. And so...

X live-action dream cast!! \:D/

Complete with cast/character charts awesomely made by dimmie. And covers for the OP and ED songs (they have engrishy titles and would be sung by Kato Kazuki and Tsuchiya Anna)!

☆〜 STAFF 〜☆

→ Screenplay: CLAMP/米村正二 (CLAMP/Yonemura Shouji)
→ Direction: 河毛俊作/雨宮慶太 (Kawake Shunsaku/Amemiya Keita)
→ Music: 岩代太郎 (Iwashiro Taro)

☆〜 CAST 〜☆

I had to shrink the graphics to fit my layout or it cuts them off... but you can see them in all their glory in Dimmie's post! \XD/

司狼神威: 柳下大
Shirou Kamui: Yanagishita Tomo

皇昴流: 内山眞人
Sumeragi Subaru: Uchiyama Masato

猫依譲刃: 堀北真希
Nekoi Yuzuriha: Horikita Maki

有洙川空汰: 宮野真守
Arisugawa Sorata: Miyano Mamoru

鬼咒嵐: 末永遥
Kishuu Arashi: Suenaga Haruka

夏澄火煉: 白鳥百合子
Kasumi Karen: Shiratori Yuriko

蒼軌征一狼: 河合龍之介
Aoki Seiichirou: Kawai Ryunosuke

桃生封真: 加藤慶祐
Monou Fuuma: Kato Keisuke

桜塚星史郎: 松田賢二
Sakurazuka Seishirou: Matsuda Kenji

麒飼遊人: 伊礼彼方
Kigai Yuuto: Irei Kanata

玖月牙暁: 汐崎アイル
Kuzuki Kakyou: Shiozaki Ire

那たく: 齋藤ヤスカ
Nataku: Saito Yasuka

志勇草薙: 鷲見亮
Shiyuu Kusanagi: Washimi Ryou

八頭司さつ姫: 秋山莉奈
Yatouji Satsuki: Akiyama Rina

丁: 国生さゆり
Hinoto: Kokusho Sayuri

庚: 杉本彩
Kanoe: Sugimoto Aya

桃生小鳥: 秋山奈々
Monou Kotori: Akiyama Nana

皇北都: 宇野実彩子
Sumeragi Hokuto: Uno Misako

妹之山残: 中村優一
Imonoyama Nokoru: Nakamura Yuichi

鷹村蘇芳: 五十嵐隼士
Takamura Suoh: Igarashi Shunji

伊集院玲: 小野健斗
Ijyuin Akira: Ono Kento

砕軌玳透: 鎌苅健太
Saiki Daisuke: Kamakari Kenta

瀬川景一: 三浦涼介
Segawa Keiichi: Miura Ryosuke


Key: (does it really need one?)
======= Kamui et Kamui
________ yumemi connection.
________ blood bonds.
________ strong non-blood bonds.
_ _ _ _ _ _ explicit romantic involvement or context.
________ Mura's OTP of doom and angst and bittersweet tragedy. \XD/

♪〜 OP&ED 〜♪


土屋アンナ feat. 加藤和樹

Now please take a moment to imagine those two performing together in promotional fan event thingies. HOTTEST THING EVER, Y/Y?

Disclaimer (because one can't ever be too careful): No, this is not true. BUT IT SHOULD BE. T△T

kato kazuki, x, lol, teehee, katokei, fuuma

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