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Comments 5

honorh March 19 2016, 18:10:55 UTC
Cruz scares me, too. He's basically a Christian Dominionist, which I consider one of the most frightening groups out there. They want to turn the US into a theocracy. Look at Cruz's father, Rafael Cruz, and you'll see what I mean. Cruz also hobnobs with people who actually want to institute the death penalty for gays, and will say that out loud. And excuse me, but I want to practice my faith in my own way rather than being subjected to Christian Sharia law.

So, yeah. The only thing Cruz has going for him, at the moment, is that he is not Drumpf. At this point, though, I'd almost like Drumpf to get the nom over him, because Clinton (or Sanders, if he pulls it out) would most likely beat him soundly in the general election (and oh, I'd love to see The Donald get trounced by a woman, that'd be just . . . neat). The Republican base would solidify behind Cruz, though, and he'd likely beat Clinton, and I don't want that to happen.


gehayi March 19 2016, 21:08:12 UTC
Cruz also hobnobs with people who actually want to institute the death penalty for gays, and will say that out loud. And excuse me, but I want to practice my faith in my own way rather than being subjected to Christian Sharia law.

Or, in my case, NOT to practice any faith at all. I really, really hate Dominionists.

Also, Cruz reminds me of the Autons from Doctor Who. And Drumpf looks like Violet Beauregard turning into a blueberry. (Only in Drumpf's case, it's an orange. Or maybe a tangerine, since "tangerine" sounds sillier.) I honestly don't see much difference between them; Cruz is just Drumpf's evangelical Tea Party clone.

At this point, though, I'd almost like Drumpf to get the nom over him, because Clinton (or Sanders, if he pulls it out) would most likely beat him soundly in the general election (and oh, I'd love to see The Donald get trounced by a woman, that'd be just . . . neat).

A woman or a Jewish guy. Either way, it would hit Drumpf right in the prejudices.

The Republican base would solidify behind Cruz, though, ( ... )


honorh March 19 2016, 22:22:45 UTC
Yeah, Clinton doesn't exactly thrill me, but I'll take her over either of those nutbrains. I'm not entirely sure of what to make of Bernie and his plans, but he has this much going for him: He's honest about what he is. That's a rare thing in politics.


lareinenoire March 20 2016, 14:44:25 UTC
Cruz scares me more than Trump, to be honest. For all his faults on the campaign trail, I honestly believe that Trump would eventually compromise if he could be convinced that it was in his best interests. Of course, he'd promptly rewrite his history and refuse to believe even hard proof to the contrary, but I'd take that in a heartbeat over a guy who believes God speaks to him directly. Trump is a fake. Cruz is a true believer, and true believers are deeply frightening to me.

On a happier note, YAY for Crimson Peak. I absolutely loved it, despite its flaws.


Very Late lynn82md June 1 2016, 23:07:48 UTC
Luckily, Cruz withdrew. Still, that leaves us Trump Dump :/ Hopefully, whoever gets the Democratic nomination (most likely Hillary at this point), I will vote for them so Trump doesn't make it in the white house.

I love cats too!


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