I've just found a plothole in OotP. Yes, another one.
It's in Chapter 28, "Snape's Worst Memory."
The Marauders and Snape have just taken their DADA O.W.L. As MWPP leave the classroom and emerge into the entrance hall (with Snape right behind them, apparently absorbed in his examination questions), we get this conversation:
"Did you like
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Comments 24
I mean, of all the memories that Severus has in his Pensive, why that particular one? And how do we know it's even real, and that it wasn't planted by Snape because he knew that Harry's curiosity would lead him to look in the Pensive? It's like Dumbledore's memories in his Pensive, or Tom Riddle's memories in his diary. How do we know that he wasn't just showing Harry what he wanted him to see, and he blurred the facts to his own ends?
If Severus was a Death Eater for a time, and had truly reformed, wouldn't he have as a worst memory some sort of DE attack, or something centered on the Dark Lord? The memory that's shown seems almost petty by comparison, IMO.
Sirius and Remus never denied that the incident took place, but I don't remember if they confirmed all of the actual circumstances behind it. Did they admit it was during OWL's?
Though - I do think that Snape left it there for a purpose. I think he wanted Harry to see the jerk-off side of his father. And in that case - it did it's job well.
But I don't know how you could put a memory into a pensieve if the memory didn't exist?
I agree. Being humiliated by schoolfellows is bad, but it doesn't make sense as "Snape's worst memory"--and if it isn't intended to be his "worst memory," then why the devil did JKR call the chapter that? She could have just called "A Bad Memory of Snape's," and let it go at that.
Sirius and Remus never denied that the incident took place, but I don't remember if they confirmed all of the actual circumstances behind it. Did they admit it was during OWL's?
No, they didn't mention O.W.L.s. However, Lupin does say that it happened when James was fifteen, and Sirius says that a lot of people are idiots at fifteen, and that James grew out of it.
Granted, it does take a bit of manuvering to reach that conclusion. JKR could've been a bit more careful or precise about it.
I've always figured that Snape more or less pranked Sirius, just as he thought he was pranking him. I think he fully expected to see the werewolf in the shack - he just wanted to know how to get to it; to have proof.
I think he wanted to get Remus kicked out of the school. And Sirius as well - you know, for telling him.
Anyone who paid any attention to the four Marauders would have had to have put two and two together. Especially after learning about werewolves in class. Granted, I'm sure most people wouldn't say anything... but there had to have been others that were as intelligent as WPP in putting it all together and figuring out *why* Remus was gone once a month.
On the full moons.
But, that's just my opinion. Granted, I kind of figured that everyone thought that. hahaha. Guess I was wrong.
I just want to make sure that I'm not missing something... because it seems like everyone questions the whole "is it really his worst memory" thing, but I just guessed it was a good chapter title - not to be taken literally.
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