Dec 28, 2007 22:32
vomit queen, at my best last night.
talk about shitty.
bff4l with ethan's toilet.
got muh tragus pierced.
it looks dope.
peace, fuckers.
Oct 11, 2007 11:46
I feel like i'm in a crazy porn movie... being shit all over by my "friends".
minus the part where i like being shit on.
Oct 10, 2007 17:43
fall break could not be shittier.
bug bites suck my dick.
fallbreak sucks my dick.
school sucks my dick (i totally typed "scull" at first instead of school :) )
i'm gonna save up to move to PA next year.
Sep 23, 2007 03:09
getting your wisdom teeth taken out
can SUCK my MOTHER FUCKING dick...
if i had one.
i woke up this morning and had a bitch fit cause i needed my damn pain killers.
my face is like the equivalent of the dough girl more than normal.
not cute. at all.
nothing like wakin up with bloody drool on yer pillow. :)
shit's br00t4l.
Sep 15, 2007 09:25
I own the title "vomit queen".
true fuckin story.
Sep 03, 2007 13:01
i like the new britney spears single.
Aug 19, 2007 21:28
senior year: not as i imagined.
my friends suck.
youd think i'd see them more with early release... more like i see them less than last year.
i'm pretty annoyed with just about all my friends... and work.
looks like i need new of both. :)
whoever gets out at 12:30. let's chill.