Title: Sparkle
Pairing: Mark/Jason
Rating: PG-13; pure fluff
Warnings: Fluffiness, over-bearing fluffiness. And Howard. He gets a warning of his own xD
Word count - 109. Because I fail at drabbles xD
cenea. Nine more requests need taking at
this post.
Jason can tell Mark is tired, because his eyes aren’t sparkling. Gary’s disappeared somewhere, Howard is swearing loudly on the phone next door, and Mark is practically comatose on the one remaining member’s shoulder.
He’s almost asleep, almost, his blue eyes looking up into Jason’s blurrily, but there’s a smile there. Jason leans down, brushes his lips over Mark’s forehead, then dips further to his lips…
Then Howard bursts through the door, yelling expletives and making both other men freeze. He flops down on the sofa next to Jason, and farts tremendously. Mark’s smile grows, and his eyes finally twinkle with laughter. Jason’s just happy that the sparkle’s back.