The Wings Were in the Way Part 10

May 24, 2010 17:43

Title: The Wings were in the Way part 10
Author: Gedry
Pairings: Dean/Castiel, Sam/Lucifer AU
Rating: R
Word Count: 2,247
Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me. I am making no profit from this fanfiction.
Spoilers:  None
Warnings: Wing kink
Summary: Interspecies dating continues to be complicated. The continuation of a not so normal relationship. Parenting is probably awesome. But getting ready sucks.

Cas’s POV

Part 10

“Shoot me now.”

Dean is whispering to him during class again. It is distracting and irritating. Cas keeps his eyes focused on the presenter and casually picks up his foot bringing it down with force on top of Dean’s.

Dean knows better than to yell.

It’s not that Cas doesn’t agree.

Father, these classes are tedious.

But they are required for foster parenting, and if they are required Cas is determined to be a good student.

Not that there is anyone in class to impress. Their family was so large that they were kind enough to allow them to have a private instructor. So Sam, Dean, Cas, Luc, Bobby, Ellen, Jo, and Chuck have been sitting every Thursday night for nine weeks in class together learning about parenting kids. Ellen and Bobby both agree that they could have skipped it; after all they say their kids turned out fine. Ellen has a leg to stand on as Jo is delightful. Bobby can only take credit for Dean and Chuck. Cas is overly fond of Dean so he is willing to give him the benefit of the doubt there. Chuck on the other hand is a neurotic basket case with no motivation and even less goals.

Cas is smart enough to just thank Bobby for being willing to come.

Ruby, the instructor, is an angel with as much personality as a bagel. No cream cheese either. The more time Cas spends with humans the more he thinks of his own kind as bland, bland, bland. He hears the sigh off to the right and when he turns Lucifer is staring at him with one eyebrow raised. Cas can almost hear him thinking

“Shoot me now.”

Cas wonders if Dean and his newly found brother notice how much alike they are at times. He makes a note to himself to never bring this up.

Even Sam, who so loves education, is listing slightly in his chair.

It must be break time soon.

The last several months have been a flurry of activity for the family. They have cleaned up the house that backs up to them. Dean and Cas have moved there as they continue the renovations. The house was a mess and it took some major restructuring to get it up to code. He can still feel the uncomfortable grit of sawdust in his wings. But neither him nor Lucifer were willing to have trash bags taped over them to keep it out.

You have to have some pride.

Sam finished out the semester and after a brief trip to his parents, Lucifer in tow, to get his belongings he moved into the house with Luc and has been alternating his time between the garage, his thesis, and construction projects. He is tireless and Cas will forever be grateful for that.

Lucifer has fully imprinted on Sam. There is a joy in his grace that takes Cas’s breath away. Luc is very subdued angel. To see his emotions so clearly through his grace speaks volumes of not only his attachment to Sam but to the family as a whole. Cas has a brother again. It’s wonderful. Now if they could just get to the point where Sam fully grooms Luc’s wings. Their physical intimacy is slow moving. Lucifer has so much shame regarding his damaged wing and though Lucifer is unaware of the truth of it; Cas knows Sam has never been with a man before, much less an angel. He is very nervous.

It’s an issue Dean likes to harass him about frequently.

Dean can be such an ass.

Ruby calls for a break and Dean slips out to bring Cas back a diet soda and chocolate. He’s rethinking the Dean is an ass comment. The whispered filthy promises of what Dean is going to do to him tonight at home, after class, is enough to make certain that he is back in Cas’s good graces.

Dean is good to his word and Cas collapses sweaty and blissed out onto Deans chest. They curl together for a few moments before he knows he needs to slide off. Dean ruffling his feathers the wrong direction and making him shiver.

“We go to meet the boys this weekend.”

“Are you still worrying about that?”

Dean can be exasperating but he is also sensitive. Cas knows that Dean is concerned neither boy will want to make this transition. Cas is more worried for Dean should there be a rejection now. He has his heart set on being able to be a father to these two lost souls that he has only ever seen in pictures. Surely the world is not so cruel as to give him the opportunity and then take it away.

“Baby, what if they hate us?”

“What if they don’t? Dean you are going to drive us both insane with this. Let’s just drive out there Saturday and see what happens.”

How he makes it through Friday Cas will never know. Dean’s soul is a ball of tightly wound energy and worry. Bobby walks Dean over to Cas at the end of the day

“Take this home with you and don’t bring it back until it’s normal again.”

It’s going to be a very long drive.

Sam and Luc join them for dinner that night. Mostly to give Cas something else to talk about than “What if they don’t like us.”

Luc gives a rather drawn out explanation of the ethics of species intermingling. He’s mostly just talking to try and relieve the tension. Dean’s not in the mood for a debate and blurts out

“So, how’s the mating going?”

Lucifer throws mashed potatoes into his hair and Sam chokes on his pork chop.

“You really are unbearable, you know that?”

“Cas tells me that daily, but he doesn’t leave.”

“You’re lucky to have us you know that.”

That’s a bit bluntly honest coming from Lucifer. He and Dean have an agreement where much of the time they act as though they merely tolerate each other for the sake of their partners. But everyone knows this isn’t true. He and Dean are as tightly bonded as siblings get and care for each other a great deal. Lucifer is just as nervous as Dean about the children and his hesitance to allow Sam to oil his wings is a bit of a sore spot.

Dean smiles from across the table.

“Yeah man, I know. I’m one of the luckiest guys in the world.”

Aren’t we all.

Their first meeting with their children felt like all four of them were getting ready to be led off the guillotine. Cas is slightly nauseous by the time they get there. Jesse jerks to a standing position the minute they open the door. Adam doesn’t budge, nor does he look away from the window he is staring out of. But Cas can see the coiling of his soul both away from Dean and himself and toward Jesse. Jesse’s grace tracking back to his for comfort. Zachariah was not wrong. These two are bonded. They must be placed together.

Jesse is intrigued by Cas. His smaller black wings curling up and then down to match Cas’s as they move. Cas cautiously extends his grace as an invitation and is pleasantly surprised that Jesse reaches back. When their graces touch Cas can feel his anxiety and allows Jesse to feel some of his own; he also includes his excitement and affection. Jesse reaches past that and his grace prods at the bond Dean and Cas share. Cas allows the examination. Clearly this is important for Jesse. When he feels the child begin to pull his grace away Cas tentatively touches the bond that Jesse shares with Adam. An acknowledgement of the importance this bond must have for him. Jesse’s eyes widen, his wings flutter, and Adam for the first time turns fully to the room. He has a huge black eye.

“What’s the other guy look like?”

Dean’s gruff voice behind Cas is startling since no one has spoken up to this point.

“He got a luck shot off.”

Dean smiles.

“I had a few people land one on me before. I’ll show you how to block it if you want.”

“Dude, aren’t you supposed to like tell me fighting is wrong or something?”

“Okay. Fighting is wrong. Now you want me to show you how to block it or not?”


Dean and Adam wander off outside. Dean’s soul is shining with confidence. Adam’s wary but hopeful.

The minute they are gone Jesse starts talking. He doesn’t stop for twenty minutes. Cas gets an overview that Jesse has grown up in foster care and that all he knows about his family is in a trunk in his room. He met Adam years ago and in their lives of being bounced from place to place he has become the only thing Jesse feels he can count on. Cas realizes halfway through the talk that Jesse is not concerned that they will not take him. Jesse is concerned they won’t want Adam. Cas tries not to laugh in the child’s face. Clearly Adam is right up Dean’s alley.

He also comes to understand that Jesse knows little about angel culture, or lifestyle.

“Do you want to go flying with me?”

It’s a simple request. Something Cas thought he would enjoy as clearly Jesse has not had a significant amount of angelic interaction.

“I can’t.”

“Why not? Do they not allow it?”

“No, I just don’t know how.”

Cas feels his face go white. His grace stretches to surround Jesse’s without thought.

“You don’t know how?”

“No, they never taught me.”

“That’s it.”

Cas is standing and rolling out of the room before Jesse knows what is going on. He follows the larger angel down the hallway and outside where Cas yells at Dean

“Get ready. We’re leaving.”

Cas feels the excruciating response from Jesse and the angry blast from Adam.

He stops.

“I mean everyone. Both of you, get your stuff, we are leaving now.”

Maybe I over-reacted.

“Baby, did you have to cuss that lady out? It’s not her fault. She’s human and the kid didn’t come with a manual or anything.”

“I was merely trying to express the importance of flying for an angelic child.”

“Dude! You threatened to staple her hand to the desk. You went Uncle Buck on her.”

It doesn’t matter. His reaction and Lucifer’s subsequent phone call to Zachariah which included copious amounts of cussing and name calling ensured that even though Jesse and Adam weren’t on the way home with them right then; they would be there in two weeks.

Just enough time for the papers to process.

The boys had heard most of the ensuing chaos after Cas’s outburst. Jesse had actually hugged Cas and Dean when they went to leave. Adam had given them both a handshake and what seemed to be an actual smile.

We’re going to be a family.

Cas tries to remember that feeling of excitement when Jesse lights the couch on fire and Adam steals the car a month later.

Dean handles things remarkably well. He simply puts the fire out and cautions Jesse about rockets being outdoor toys unless you are at Sam’s house. He tells Adam if he wants to go to the movies he can ask for a ride; as long as his chores are done and his grades are okay they will be happy to take him. They boys look shocked. Cas is sure he does too.

He hears Dean telling the story to Bobby the next day at work. When he gets done laughing at Dean Bobby reminds him of when he stole the tow-truck and drove it Vegas when he was 17. Dean stumbles over a very humble apology and then makes Bobby swear to never tell the boys.

Cas thinks Bobby had his finger crossed.

The mechanics of flying are difficult and supposedly instinctual. Jesse doesn’t have the instinct it seems. They try numerous methods for encouragement. Nothing works. Lucifer calls everyone he can think of and some of his connections tell him that it is just too late for the child to learn. Jesse could be grounded with useless wings for the rest of his life. Cas breaks down in tears. He remembers not being able to fly and the possibility that the gift was lost to him forever. He can’t imagine his child being unable to soar when he has two healthy wings.

Lucifer reacts badly to his outburst. His grace darkens with concern. Cas watches as he approaches Jesse.

“Do you want to fly?”

“God, yes.”

“Come with me.”

They go the roof and Cas follows. He has no idea what Luc could try that he has not already attempted. They walk to edge.

“Look over there.” Lucifer angles his hand to a point out and up on the horizon.

Then he pushes Jesse off the roof.

Cas screams in a way that he will swear later is manly.

Turns out the kid can fly.  

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