Narrative - Today

Sep 23, 2008 17:10

Somewhere within the borders of the Wulfenbach Empire.

A calm, serene field in the middle of nowhere.

Grass as high as a grown man's waist, a gentle breeze, nothing particularly interesting happening.


Well, unless you count the giant land squid trudging along back there interesting.

But, our focus is not said giant land squid, rather, the field.

There's a crack of electricity that breaks the windblown silence.

Then nothing.

And another. Followed by another. Several more. Then a loud pow, and a portal tears itself into existence, spitting a tall, clockwork cyborg out. She lands with a grunt and groan, rubbing her forehead lightly as the portal collapses behind her.

She stands with a soft groan, looking around and hefting the portal gun over her shoulder. "Looks about where I left."

Kreeeaaaaaooo. Bella Fennix blinked and glanced behind her to see the giant Land Squid involved in a fight with some sort of land-whale-tank-Clank.

"Definitely home at any rate." She looked around, up to the sky, and she shielded her eyes with her left hand, "Hm, no airships in sight, and it was heading south-east." She plucked something out of her belt, clicking it open as she brought it into view. A compass. "And south-east is that way."

And that said, she starts to trudge off through the tall grass, leaving the Whale-tank-Clank locked in its battle with the giant land squid.

It doesn't take her long to find what she's looking for. "Whoa." Is about what described the sight before her, down the hill into the small valley before her.

The airship she was on, and subsequently thrown off. A crashed and beat up wreckage, burnt, and obviously heavily damaged. Whatever shot it down pierced the envelope, as it went down hard and fast. Bella jogged down the hill, sliding herself down the loose rocks at some points to make it down safely. She walked towards the airship. Her off-step clanking and ticking breaking the eerie silence that surrounded the area.

"Hello?" She shouted. "Is anyone here?"

It's likely a good thing she left Ding behind in the Nexus for the moment, god knows what would happen if she lost him in this.

She drew her death ray pistol from her belt, stepping towards one of the smashed access doors.

She tried the handle first. It turned, but the metal door was bent and wedged into place. "...Gott's little fish in trousers.. Of course it'd be jammed." She mutters and shifts her weight, jamming her mechanical hand in the door and giving a good yank using her mechanical leg as leverage.

It groaned and snapped free, swinging open on its remaining functional hinge. Bella fished out her flashlight, expanding it, twisting it, and clicking it on. She still had her gun held ready, and stepped inside. "Hello? Anyone alive or left behind?"

It's unlikely, given the wreck's obviously been here for weeks, and has had time to burn itself out. The ship groaned quietly as the wind changed directions. "Nnf, spooky." She worked her way further inside, keeping her gun charged and held ready.

"I don't like this--even if was an Alliance ship." She murmurs to herself, thinking aloud to break the unnerving silence.

Suddenly, metal clattered to the floor, and Bella aimed her gun and light that way.

A small pack of mimmoths flew out of the console that just collapsed because of them, making quiet little trumpting sounds as they flee. "..Ngh, jumpy. I need to find the cargo deck." She glanced at the sign on the wall, and found her barings--and started to make her way to the cargo deck.

Like the rest of the ship, it was battered and quiet. A few raiders had come and gone through various containers that looked as though they contained useful things.

But what actually caught her eye was something that was shiny. She shined her light towards it and gave a quiet sigh, "Captain Copper.." She frowned, stepping towards all that was left of the Clank.

Well. The Clank's head, anyway. It was missing much of the rest of its body, presumably from the attack. Bella regarded this a long few moments and hefted the portal gun off of her shoulder, aiming it at 'Captain Copper''s head. Click. ZAAAAPOW. A flash and a small portal, and the large metallic head of the Clank was sent away to her room in the Nexus.

She then hefted it back over her shoulder, and started poking through the remaining containers.

Hey, isn't that...? Clunk.

"--!" Could they still be--?!

Clank. Rattle. THUNK. A few seconds of silence passed.

The triumphant shout of "YES!" pierced the silence.

narratives, tools, organizations: southern alliance, clanks: captain copper

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