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Comments 11

archaeologist_d June 27 2012, 21:01:25 UTC
All the knights signed autographs and all could take picture with the knights (including spoiler 5 guy). They were so nice. There was a lot of swordfighting in the grassy area in front of the castle (so that you could see what was going on after it was closed). Colin and one of the guest stars were filming in the castle during the day inside. Angel was also there in her black dress for a short time. We were told they would be filming late into the night.

I did see the village dressed for filming, too. I assume they would be filming later in the evening since the village was open most of the day to visitors.

Between setups of the swordfighting/training, there was a rugby ball tossed around by some of the cast - Tom and Bradley mostly. It was hot out and very sunny so I was surprised but they were having fun.


gealach_ros June 27 2012, 21:06:19 UTC
Oh, sounds like quite a lot's been going on today. On Twitter it was like NOTHING's been going on in PF today, no one tweeted.

there was a rugby ball tossed around by some of the cast - Tom and Bradley mostly.
Did they play in chainmail? :P

Many thanks for sharing the info! :D


archaeologist_d June 28 2012, 15:41:52 UTC
My twitter wasn't working or I'd have done some.

Both of them were in chainmail. Of course, Tom's arms were clearly seen. :D

When I get home, I have video of them throwing the ball. I'll post it (spoiler 5 guy is in the background so I don't really consider it spoilery).


dc_comics_fan June 28 2012, 05:58:10 UTC
Intially the knights were in their red T shirts and Bradley too. Only the S5 new character in armour whilst they were prepping the scene. Later it was just Bradley in armour with Tom in his red T shirt throwing a rugby ball around. I think them playing between takes helps Bradley to relax a bit. They had some ice lollies which they had distribiuted amongst the cast and crew. I saw Bradley and the S5 person with small mini fans but they didn't look like they were helping much. Only the knights signed autographs and posed for photo's. Colin was whisked away into a car and Bradley went into his tent. I feel if Bradley and Colin had come out for autographs, as well as photo's they'd have been stuck.


gealach_ros June 28 2012, 07:36:27 UTC
Sounds like it was rather warm in PF yesterday (le envie!), mhmmm, ice lollies! :D
And Bradley with a mini fan, that's always a good thing. xD

Thanks for sharing those titbits! <3


arthurmerlinfan June 28 2012, 10:46:49 UTC
archaeologist_d June 28 2012, 15:49:47 UTC
I'd forgotten about the ice lollies. The guys were pretty hot because they were all working so hard in the bright sunshine and it was a bit warm as well. They were pretty much all sweating a lot. They also had those cooling ties around their necks to keep them from overheating.


ella_rose88 June 28 2012, 23:23:03 UTC
Hey! Thanks so much for your dedication in doing these collection posts! I'm so excited for series 5 even only to see Gwen in her new Queen wardrobe!

I was just wondering if you had added this image to the collection post yet: http://elegantpaws.tumblr.com/post/26089497474/look-at-this-elegantly-simple-beauty-will-you. I don't know what day it is from, but I do know that Sunnydale posted it.


gealach_ros June 29 2012, 07:02:21 UTC
I've added the pic to the post from June 21 last night when @sunnydale posted Caroline's pics (it's hidden behind a spoiler tag due to the costume spoiler). :)


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