Merlin S5 | HeroComplex/LATimes: ‘Merlin’ co-creator Julian Murphy on series’ emotional conclusion

Feb 07, 2013 07:20

HeroComplex/LATimes: ‘Merlin’ co-creator Julian Murphy on series’ emotional conclusionHC: Can you talk a little about your cast?
JM: They’ve been a truly lovely cast to work with, and I guess that’s not always the case. We’ve been blessed with four young actors that have risen to a huge task, and I think everyone forgets that when we began this ( Read more... )

merlin: series 5, producer: julian murphy, media: article, media: interview, merlin: 05.13

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Comments 8

hpsensations February 7 2013, 08:21:31 UTC
Who said there can't be humor if Merlin revealed his magic to Arthur?! I don't understand your logic Mr. Murphy. If you gave it a chance if only for a few episodes their relationship would have actually grown and progressed, there would be more respect from Arthur's part and they would have stood as equals , FINALLY, as equals, albeit with different powers, trying to work together without barriers and lies. Of course they can have a laugh and joke about many things any time! They can even do practical jokes on the knights or something instead of humiliating each other! Why does the banter have to always be about Arthur ordering Merlin to muck out the horses, polish armour, do laundry, or calling Merlin and oaf and Merlin calling Arthur a clotpole?! Humor can be about many things ( ... )


anyusa0030 February 10 2013, 23:51:12 UTC
have not read the interview ,i learnt to never read any interview they give,because honestly they only ever piss me off.i love your comment though and i feel if i read the interview this would really be my response this people ended up with a series i will never know,and why the mainstream crtitics never point out this failings i will never understand either.


scribblemoose February 7 2013, 12:14:32 UTC
You always know that when he says 'in all honesty', or similar, that he's lying.!


bradleyjfan February 7 2013, 12:17:46 UTC
He's like a politician - you can always tell they're lying by the fact that their lips are moving.

I'd be very surprised if half the stuff they "planned" on doing all along, or for a long while, was true.


issy5209 February 7 2013, 20:15:54 UTC
These two should hang their heads in shame.
This is the way ending they always intended, well then, Julian Jones (in the commentary says they didn't know how to write the ending.
Oh look over there - Pigs Flying!


nimueh123 February 8 2013, 15:52:19 UTC
Every time I read an interview iwth one of these two I feel the urgent need for a blood pressure tablet.
Arthur did not have to die. Nonsense. He was far too young and could have easily lived to rule in a united kingdom, with Merlin at his side.
They did not reveal because they would have lost the humour in the show??? Sigh. I thought they had a set of first class writers on hand. Surely they would have been able to think of something!!!
They had planned Gwen would be the queen in Albion???? I do NOT believe that. Sorry.
These guys must live on a totally different planet from us. It is clear that they made things up as they went along. Whatever they say, the story arcs were often completely flawed.


forcryinoutloud February 8 2013, 20:52:04 UTC
*facepalm* I honestly hate hearing either of them talking about the show because it just ticks me off more and more. They needed their heads knocked together. The very idea that the tension and humor on the series came from Merlin's secret and that they would have lost that with a reveal is just a joke, and a bad one. The show could have been SO much more than it was if they'd revealed Merlin's magic earlier, if we'd gotten to see Arthur deal with that new knowledge, if we got to see Arthur eventually come to the same conclusion he did in the finale episode (without the rush) about everything Merlin had done for Arthur, for Camelot, and had we actually gotten to see Arthur lift the ban on magic and rule for a time with Merlin at his side. So much lost potential all because these two morons couldn't see beyond the end of their own noses. (>.<)


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