Ninja!gri moments are the bestcause I have the impression that we are some kind of inspectors *gri sherlock team forever!*
*jump on oxygenlove*thanks for the trans :D WTF Jiyong saying "call him",like he can't call him himslef LOL (or maybe it's because Seungri was far away but since jiyong is so stalker-ish he saw him struggling with his braclets :p)
It's 3am here,I'm currently high on milk,and I can tell you that this boy in red is the boyfriend of the guy in white è_é
Comments 8
*jump on oxygenlove*thanks for the trans :D WTF Jiyong saying "call him",like he can't call him himslef LOL (or maybe it's because Seungri was far away but since jiyong is so stalker-ish he saw him struggling with his braclets :p)
It's 3am here,I'm currently high on milk,and I can tell you that this boy in red is the boyfriend of the guy in white è_é
After giving it second through:
....unconsciously,is it possible ?XD
dating. oh yes they are! /evil laugh
jiyong is forever stalkerish to seungri ROFL.
i was high from all the songs posted for the fanmix hahaha!
That fanmix idea is full of win :p
I will check the songs later but I notice that most of the song are angsty(of course)lol
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