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Nov 24, 2016 22:29

holiday love meme 2016

seems like this year we need it more than ever. you know the drill: comment with your username (any and all social media platforms welcome!) and people will anonymously reply to your thread with bits of encouragement, well wishes, declarations of undying devotion, etc. secret santa style! tell all your friends and spread some ( Read more... )

ily, #meme

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supernutjapan November 30 2016, 16:12:09 UTC

... )


oneill November 30 2016, 19:19:31 UTC
Wishing you a safe and Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!


supernutjapan December 2 2016, 00:19:49 UTC
Thank you honey💕🎶
The same to you!!


stir_of_echoes November 30 2016, 23:19:45 UTC
I think you're awesome, and so giving, sharing your home life as well as your fandom life. It's an honour to be allowed in to see family, and get to know more about you! ♥


supernutjapan December 1 2016, 15:01:12 UTC
It's been such a pleasure!! And even when it's tough going, I know I have a place to come and talk about it!

Thank you so much! <3<3


stir_of_echoes December 1 2016, 21:58:05 UTC
Anytime, and yes, me too. This place and those we share it with is amazing :)


supernutjapan December 2 2016, 00:34:40 UTC


roguem December 1 2016, 10:26:03 UTC
You're awesome, and I'm so glad we met here on LJ.
Hope you have a fantastic christmas and a wonderful new year!


supernutjapan December 1 2016, 15:08:50 UTC
I'm so glad we met here toooooo!!!!! <3<3
Thank you honey! The same to you!


milly_gal December 1 2016, 19:46:32 UTC
so SO happy to have you on my flist bb and to be able to peek inside your world. You're sweet and funny and you just make sure no matter my mood I know you *heart* me. That is priceless! ♥


supernutjapan December 2 2016, 00:40:58 UTC
Thank you so much honey :') 💗


laughablelament December 2 2016, 16:58:58 UTC
It's been lovely getting to know you! Looking forward to more great talks. :D


supernutjapan December 3 2016, 00:42:11 UTC
Me tooooo!!! 💕
Thank you honey!


emmatheslayer December 3 2016, 02:42:25 UTC
Your so kind wonderful and supportive and I am so grateful to have you as a friend


supernutjapan December 4 2016, 05:21:06 UTC
*squishes you*


sillie82 December 4 2016, 02:36:26 UTC
You're so nice and sweet and I'm so glad I got to know you. <3


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