Jun 07, 2008 01:05
I have to buy some stamps soon. Overseas stamps have gone up to $1.50 each now. And I was thinking... apparently it's still under a dollar in the US to send things overseas. And our exchange rate is almost the same now. I know they're closer to other countries than we are, but are our letters *really* deserving of an extra 50 cents?
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Comments 4
Locally it costs 42c, so not much different to Australia's 45c. And like the International stamp, this went up from 40c.
I would say some letters are deserving of that extra 50c, others I wouldn't even bother put in the post. haha
A post-card overseas costs $1.30
A letter to Asia/New Zealand costs $1.35
A letter anywhere else in the world is $2
A local standard letter is 50cents, and a large A4 is $1
The reason stamps keep going up is because of petrol prices. No joke.
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