The Grand Chatfic Dump Part IV

Nov 29, 2010 00:17

I figure it's past time to post more of kittygrenade  and my chatfic, so here is one of the more recent 'verses. This one occured in two different chat sessions: one I copy-pasted from the AIM archive, the other was from the actual chat window. I'm too lazy to fix it, so that's what you get. :-p

Arranged Marriage Chatfic Part I:

Sarah (12:45:31 AM): I want more arranged marriage fic. =T_T=

Awkward Turtle (12:45:41 AM): No kidding

Awkward Turtle (12:46:03 AM): I've read a grand total of one, maybe two

Sarah (12:46:13 AM): Same here.

Sarah (12:46:44 AM): I need more in my life! D:

Sarah (12:47:30 AM): Like Patrick gets promised to Pete before he is even born.

Awkward Turtle (12:47:39 AM): <33

Sarah (12:48:14 AM): And he rarely ever gets to see Pete except at high society functions.

Awkward Turtle (12:48:45 AM): And of course Patrick is kind of unsure about it, but Pete is all heart-eyes for him.

Sarah (12:49:15 AM): He was always so sweet to Patrick whenever they got to see each other.

Awkward Turtle (12:52:18 AM): Which makes Patrick more open to the idea, but he's always been sort of an idealist. He wants to find a person he loves by himself and marry them.

Sarah (12:53:30 AM): For all he knows, Pete's sweetness might all be an act. His parents could just be putting him up to it because it would improve both of their families images.

Awkward Turtle (12:54:20 AM): After all, Pete is spreading it on pretty thick. There's no way that can be anything but faked.

Sarah (12:56:52 AM): Patrick can't help it if he finds him charming.  But he still keeps his guard up.

Awkward Turtle (12:59:09 AM): Especially since Pete seems think he's the best thing since hard candy, and Patrick knows that he's anything but. This guy's totally making this up.

Sarah (1:01:54 AM): His parents seem to be really pleased that they spent so much time together at the party. They don't shut up about it the entire way back home.

Awkward Turtle (1:03:58 AM): Patrick mostly just stays quiet because he's been fighting them on this for a long time, so he doesn't want to admit he found Pete charming. And kind of hot.

Sarah (1:06:16 AM): Okay, ridiculously hot.  Patrick sort of hates to admit it, but he does. He still thinks Pete might be faking the charm.

Awkward Turtle (1:07:13 AM): Patrick doesn't think being hot will make up for it if he ends up being a complete asshole.

Sarah (1:08:07 AM): He's heard from various other people that the Wentz's could be a little headstrong.

Awkward Turtle (1:10:10 AM): That's what made him doubt in the first place. But no matter how hard he looked, he hadn't found even a hint of insincerity in Pete's eyes that night.

Sarah (1:13:34 AM): He doesn't forget it when he gets to see Pete again a few months later. This time it's just a lunch between the two familes to make wedding plans. Patrick's mom pauses every now and then, expecting Patrick to say something in protest. She is pleasantly surprised when he doesn't.

Awkward Turtle (1:15:03 AM): Patrick's a little distracted by the way Pete keeps smiling at him and how he reaches across the table to take Patrick's hand.

Sarah (1:16:21 AM): Patrick cannot help the blush that creeps on his face after Pete kisses the back of his hand when their parents are distracted.

Awkward Turtle (1:17:44 AM): Pete seems pleased at his blushing, which of course only makes him flush deeper as he slips his hand away from Pete.

Sarah (1:19:42 AM): Their main course soon arrives and the conversations switches to light chit-chat. Pete's father asks Patrick how school is going  and if he is excited for winter break.

Awkward Turtle (1:22:11 AM): Patrick is glad for the distraction, politely answering his questions, but Pete seems a little disappointed to have lost Patrick's attention.

Sarah (1:24:36 AM): Mr. Wentz extends an invitation to the Stump family to come with them to Aspen for the two weeks Patrick has off of school.

Awkward Turtle (1:27:30 AM): Patrick's mother gladly accepts before Patrick can say anything. Pete touches Patrick's hand, snapping his attention back to him. "I'm really looking forward to seeing you there," he says.

Sarah (1:30:30 AM): Patrick's blush grows deeper. "I am looking forward to it too."  He nibbles on a piece of chicken. Pete smiles broadly at him, squeezing his hand before digging into his food.

Awkward Turtle (1:35:15 AM): Patrick keeps his head down while he eats his food, but he can almost feel Pete sneaking glances at him every once in a while. Patrick bites his lip, trying to ignore it and mutters an apology when their feet bump under the table.

Sarah (1:37:59 AM): Pete tells him that it's alright and bumps Patrick foot with his own.  Patrick jumps slightly, nearly dropping his fork.  His mother give him a concerned look before going back to talking with Mrs. Wentz about the upcoming trip.

Awkward Turtle (1:39:37 AM): Patrick looks up, glaring a little, but Pete nudges his foot again. Patrick responds by kicking back, slightly harder than Pete did.

Sarah (1:43:02 AM): Pete chuckles and leans in close. "You're too cute you know that right?" He whispers.

Awkward Turtle (1:45:22 AM): "Too cute?" Patrick asks dryly. "I hope that's not off-putting." Pete laughs and runs a foot up Patrick's leg, making him choke on a breath. "Not at all."

Sarah (1:47:57 AM): Patrick spills some sauce on his coat and excuses himself to the bathroom.  "I am just going to wash this off." He walks as quickly and calmly across the restaurant.

Awkward Turtle (1:50:36 AM): Patrick heads straight to the sinks when he gets there, attempting to rub the sauce out with a wet paper towel before it stains. He hears the door open and close behind him. When he looks in the mirror, he finds Pete standing behind him. "Do you need help with that?"

Sarah (1:52:05 AM): Patrick's back goes stiff. "No," He bites his lip. "I can handle it myself." He rinses the stain and tries to go over to the hand dryer, but Pete won't move away.

Awkward Turtle (1:53:42 AM): Pete grabs Patrick's hips. "Are you sure?" he asks, breathing on Patrick's neck

Sarah (1:54:31 AM): Patrick nods. "Positive." He swallows down the lump in his throat. "We should be getting back to the table."

Awkward Turtle (1:55:49 AM): Pete drops his hands from his hips. "Yeah." When Patrick looks at him from the mirror, he seems almost disappointed.

Sarah (1:57:14 AM): "I'm sorry." Patrick doesn't really get why he just apologized, but he did.

Awkward Turtle (2:00:35 AM): Pete's lips quirk in an almost-smile. "Nah, it's fine," he says, backing off. "You're right, we should get back."

Sarah (2:01:55 AM): Patrick dries his jacket for a couple of minutes and follows Pete back to the table.

Awkward Turtle (2:03:48 AM): Pete pulls Patrick's chair out for him, brushing a hand over his shoulder as he pushed him back in before sitting down himself.

Sarah (2:04:31 AM): "Thank you." Patrick is starting to get annoyed with how much he blushes when he is around Pete.

Awkward Turtle (2:05:46 AM): Pete seems pleased with it, if his grinning is any indication.

Sarah (2:07:18 AM): Lunch soon draws to a close. Patrick's father pays for the meal, thanking Mr. Wentz  and Mrs. Wentz for the lovely afternoon.

Awkward Turtle (2:09:00 AM): Patrick stands awkwardly in front of Pete, muttering, "Goodbye." Pete leans in and kisses his cheek. "Bye, Patrick."

Sarah (2:11:14 AM): Patrick touches where Pete kissed and tries to hide his face, which he is sure is beet red right now. He climbs into the car after his mother.

Awkward Turtle (2:13:29 AM): Patrick glances out the window watching as Pete fairly beams at his parents. Pete catches Patrick watching and waves, and Patrick simply bites his lip and looks away.

Sarah (2:15:42 AM): His mothere pats him gently on the knee. "I noticed that you didn't protest to any of the wedding plans?" She smiles and raises her eyebrow.

Awkward Turtle (2:18:46 AM): "I was talking to Pete," Patrick says, hoping she didn't notice how he barely said ten words to him over dinner. "He's very... distracting."

Sarah (2:20:12 AM): "He is definitely a handsome young man." She smiles fondly at Patrick. "You're children will be beatiful if you choose to have them."

Awkward Turtle (2:22:48 AM): Something flutters in his chest when he thinks about having children. He has always wanted to be a father, and his mother was right. Pete was handsome. His children would be gorgeous.

Sarah (2:26:05 AM): "You don't have to rush into having any. You are only 17 after all." She squeezes Patrick's hand.

Awkward Turtle (2:27:44 AM): Patrick squeezes back. "I'll have them when I'm ready."

Sarah (2:29:31 AM): "We'll have to take you clothes shopping for Aspen tomorrow.  You needed a new coat right?"

Awkward Turtle (2:30:52 AM): Patrick nods. "And probably gloves, too. The ones I have are wearing thin."

Sarah (2:31:49 AM): "Alright. " She smiles fondly at Patrick. "We'll make a day out of it?"

Awkward Turtle (2:32:34 AM): Patrick smiles back at her. "That would be nice."

Sarah (2:34:24 AM): "Great." The car pulls up to the house and they get out of the car.

Awkward Turtle (2:36:28 AM): Patrick heads into the house and heads straight for his room and his bed.

Sarah (2:38:48 AM): He sheds his coat, shoes, and hat and curls on his bed for a nap.

Awkward Turtle (2:41:54 AM): Patrick tries his best to clear his mind of the day's events (as well as Pete) as he tries to sleep. It doesn't take too long for him to drift off. It had been a long day after all.

Sarah (2:45:25 AM): Weeks pass, school goes on winter break, and it is time for the Wentz's trip to Aspen. Patrick and his parents arrive and are guided to Mr. Wentz's private plane by one of the airport personel.

Awkward Turtle (2:51:36 AM): They are greeted by Pete's family at the airplane. Their mothers hug and their fathers exchange friendly greetings and Pete slips him a kiss on the cheek identical to the one he'd given to him last time they parted. Patrick looks up to find his mother ginning at him, and he blushes. He doesn't even have to guess who he'll be sitting next to the entire flight.

Sarah (2:54:10 AM): Pete takes his bags and his free hand. "Come on. I'll show you where we'll be sitting."  Patrick lets Pete drag him up the stairs, into the plane, and to the back. "We should be taking off here in a few minutes. Did you want anything drink or eat?"

Awkward Turtle (2:55:36 AM): "No, it's fine," Patrick says, then looks at the seats. "Where do you want me to sit?"

Sarah (3:00:34 AM): "You can have the window seat if you want. " Pete shoves Patrick's bags into the storage area. "I already know I will have a breath-taking view."

Awkward Turtle (3:06:23 AM): Patrick takes a deep breath as he takes a seat and tries to fight the flush that he knows is coming on. He really needs to work on not blushing so much if he's going to marry this man.

Sarah (3:08:20 AM): Pete takes the seat next to Patrick and laces their fingers together. "So," Pete smiles.  How have things been since we last saw each other?"

Awkward Turtle (3:09:46 AM): "Well enough," Patrick says, waving a hand. "School and all that. Nothing interesting, really."

Sarah (3:10:37 AM): Pete kisses the back of Patrick's hand. "I don't care. I want to hear about it anyway."

Awkward Turtle (3:16:52 AM): "Well," Patrick says, clearing his throat. "I don't know. We're not learning about any interesting things in school. I mostly end up writing music in class anyway."

Sarah (3:18:04 AM): Pete perks up even more at the mention of music. "You write music? What do you play?"

Awkward Turtle
    Patrick bites his lip. "Um. A lot of stuff. Guitar, bass, piano... all the basics."
    Pete's jaw drops.  "No way!" He takes both of Patrick's hands in his and squeezes. "You will have to play me something!"
Awkward Turtle
    Patrick blushes. "I'm not that good."
    "I bet you're amazing." Pete grins.
Awkward Turtle
    "Um." Patrick stares down at their hands. "I could play something sometime, I guess. If you wanted."
    "I would love that." Pete presses a kiss to Patrick's cheek.
Awkward Turtle
    Patrick swallows thickly and turns away, but allows Pete to still hold his hand as the plane starts moving.
    "We should be in Aspen in four hours." Pete buckles himself in. "Is there anything you want to do?  We get Netflix on the plane, so we can watch a movie?"
Awkward Turtle
    Patrick shrugs. "I guess we can do that."
    Pete pulls a remote out from seemingly out of no where. He presses the button and  pannel on the wall slides away to reveal a flat screen tv. "What are you in the mood for?"
Awkward Turtle
    "I'm not sure," Patrick replies. "What do you like? I'm sure we can agree of something."
    "Princess Bride is a personal fav of mine. Oh! We can watch Back to the Future!" Pete bounces in his seat. "Which did you want to watch?
Awkward Turtle
    Patrick grins. "I love both of those!"
    "I think we might have enough time to watch both of them." Pete kisses the back of Patrick's hand. "Which one first?"
Awkward Turtle
    Patrick thinks for a while. "Princess Bride."
    "Okay." Pete does a search for the movie, click play when he finds it. "Once it is okay to walk around again, I'll go make up popcorn."
Awkward Turtle
    Patrick smiles and squeezes his hand.
    "I'd like that"
    "Awesome." Pete pushes the arm rest away and slides an arm around Patrick. "Is this okay?"
Awkward Turtle
    "Yeah, it's fine," he says, nodding, then settles against Pete.
    Pete rests his head on top of Patrick's. "I'll snag us a blanket too."
Awkward Turtle
    Patrick hums in agreement. "That would be nice."
    "Just a few more minutes." He cranes his head to look out the window. "We are finally getting off the runway."
Awkward Turtle
    "Okay," Patrick says, leaning his head back against Pete's shoulder. It isn't really comfortable, but he feels nice like this. Safe.
    Pete snuggles against Patrick. "You're really comfortable you know that?"
Awkward Turtle
    Patrick looks up at him. "What's that supposed to mean?"
    "It means I think you are comfy." Pete noses the side of Patrick's face.  "That is all."
Awkward Turtle
    "Okay," Patrick says warily, slightly confused.
    Several minutes pass. "I'm going to go get us a blanket and make us popcorn."
Awkward Turtle
    Patrick nods and moves so Pete can get out of his chair,
    Pete leaves and comes back, juggling a bowl of popcorn, a blanket, and two bottle of strawberry kiwi Snapple.
Awkward Turtle
    "Thanks," Patrick says when Pete hands him his Snapple and takes his seat.
    "No problem." Pete drapes the blanket over their laps and settles the bowl between them.
Awkward Turtle
    Patrick settles against Pete again, turning his attention to the movie.
    Pete wraps his arm back around Patrick and pops a few kernels into his mouth. "This is one of my favourite scenes coming up."
Awkward Turtle
    Patrick smiles. "I love this scene, too."
    They both laugh as the man in black defeats Vizzini in a battle of wits.
Awkward Turtle
    Patrick lays his head on Pete's shoulder in an attempt to get comfortable.
    "Is there any thing special you want to do when we land?" Pete nuzzles Patrick's head.
Awkward Turtle
    Patrick shrugs. "I don't know. I've never been to Aspen before."
    "We can get a bite to eat and go skiing?" Pete bites his lip. "Or ice skating."
Awkward Turtle
    "I don't really trust myself with skis," Patrick says, "but ice skating sounds nice."
    "Alright." Pete takes a snip of his Snapple. "I'll think of some other things we can do."
Awkward Turtle
    "Okay," Patrick replied, threading their fingers together.
    Pete runs his fingers along Patrick's thigh. "I am looking forward to going out by ourselves."
Awkward Turtle
    Patrick sucks in a breath. "So am I," Patrick says, trying to ignore Pete's hand resting warmly on his leg.
    Pete squeezes Patrick's thigh.  "We get our own room at the hotel. I don't think your parents told you about that."
Awkward Turtle
    "No," Patrick says, trying to keep his voice steady. "They did not."
    "We are." Pete nibbles on more popcorn. "It's going to be awesome. Total practice for our honeymoon."
Awkward Turtle
    "Um." Patrick's face goes through several shades of red in under a second. Sure, Pete's hit on him a lot in the past, but this is the first time he's blatently refered to sex.
    Pete doubles over in laughter. "You are too cute I swear." He grabs Patrick's chin and presses a soft kiss to his lips. "I promise not to force you into anything."
Awkward Turtle
    Patrick was totally going to hit him for that. Just punch him in the shoulder and telling how that was not funny, but instead he finds himself leaning in for another kiss.
    Pete pushes his tongue past Patrick's lips.  He cups the back of Patrick's neck to deepen the kiss.
Awkward Turtle
    Patrick groans into Pete's mouth, twisting his body to find a more comfortable position,
    Pete reluctantly breaks the kiss.""Sit in my lap." He squeezes Patrick's hip. "C'mon."
Awkward Turtle
    "Okay," Patrick says breathlessly, moving out of his seat and straddling Pete's lap. "Like this?"
    "Perfect." Pete wraps his hands low on Patrick's hips. "Now where were we?" He closes the gap between them and hums into the kiss.
Awkward Turtle
    Patrick braces his hands against Pete's shoulders, licking into his mouth like his life depended on it.
    Pete lowers one hand,  cupping Patrick's ass.
Awkward Turtle
    Patrick gasps into Pete's mouth, but surprises himself when he doesn't protest.
    Pete grins against his lips. "Fucking gorgeous."
Awkward Turtle
    When Patrick pulls away, both of them breathing heavily. He looks at Pete who just stares up at him, eyes dark. Patrick kisses his jaw before moving down to his neck.
    Pete groans, bucking his hips up. He squeezes Patrick's ass harder when he bites down on Pete's shoulder. "Fuck." He groans.
Awkward Turtle
    Patrick rocks his hips forward slightly, grazing his teeth over the tendon just above his collarbone. "Pete."
    Pete pulls Patrick's face away from his neck. "As much as I want this to continue, it can't. Not with our parents on the other side of the plane."
Awkward Turtle
    Patrick nods. He'd forgotten about them. "Sorry."
    "Not a problem." Pete tugs Patrick closer. "We should continue this later. Well, if you want to."
Awkward Turtle
    Patrick blushes, but nods again.
    "Great." Pete burries his face in Patrick's neck. "I cannot wait until we get married."
Awkward Turtle
    "I, um," Patrick starts, but goes quiet. He's still unsure about the whole marriage thing, but he wasn't about to tell that to Pete.
    Pete doesn't seem to notice Patrick's pause and goes back to watching what's left of the movie.
Awkward Turtle
    Patrick settles back down in his seat, watching the movie with this hands on his lap.
    Pete reaches over and laces their fingers together. "You ready for Back to the Future?"
Awkward Turtle
    "Yeah," Patrick says, slowly leaning against Pete once again.
    Pete hits the play button. "Did you want some more popcorn?" He shakes the bowl at Patrick. 'There is not much left."
Awkward Turtle
    Patrick reaches in and grabs a handful. "Sure."
    Pete pulls out his cell phone and looks at the time. "Just a little under two hours until we land!"
Awkward Turtle
    Patrick squeezes Pete's hand. "I can't wait."
    "Neither can I." Pete brings Patrick's hand up to his lips and kisses it. "The next two weeks are going to be awesome."
Awkward Turtle
    Patrick tilts his head up and brushes his lips over Pete's jaw. "I hope so."
    Pete turns his head and looks down at Patrick. "I am sure it will. We will get to know each so much better." He smirks.
Awkward Turtle
    Patrick blushes at that, but this time he is smiling.
    Pete pecks Patrick's lips quickly before turning his attention back to the movie.
Awkward Turtle
    Patrick nuzzles Pete's shoulder, mouthing along with the lines in the movie.
    A third of the way into the the movie Pete's mother comes in to check on them. "Are you two doing fine back here?"
Awkward Turtle
    Pete looks up at her and grins, rubbing Patrick's arm. "Yeah, we're doing great."
    "Alright." She give them a fond smile. "We'll be landing soon.  Make sure you clean up." She leaves a moment later.
Awkward Turtle
    Patrick sighs into Pete's shoulder. He just knows that Pete's mother will tell his mother about their cuddling. After all the hell he's given her about the wedding, she'll never let him live this down.
    "What are you thinking about?" Pete presses a soft kiss to his temple. "Is something bothering you?"
Awkward Turtle
    Patrick shakes his head. "It's nothing. Don't worry about it."
    "Alright." Pete pulls the blanket tighter around them.  "But you can tell me. I love listening to you talk."
Awkward Turtle
    "It's okay, really," Patrick assures, closing his eyes.
    Pete nods. "Okay." Pete squeezes his hand. "Go on and take a nap. I'll wake you when we land."
Awkward Turtle
    "Thanks," Patrick says, curling up under the blanket.

 Part II

sarah, chatfic

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