Mar 29, 2014 23:07
F-Lock: Most of my writing is f-locked. Sort of like a community of my own and access is members-only.
The main reason for that was that over the time, I have simply gotten uncomfortable with posting some of my writing publicly. It was less the 'I don't want to share it anymore' but more of the 'I don't want it out in the open anymore, and only want to share it with a particular audience' kind of sentiment. And while I was lying awake one night, the simplest of thoughts struck me. It might seem really silly to some people, but I lay there thinking about this and that reason until it occurred to me... Nobody is forcing me to post anything publicly in the first place.
That is why LJ has options for f-locked entries and private entries. If I want my writing to be public, I post it openly in my LJ and to communities and share it with everybody. If I want to share my writing with only a group of people, that's what f-lock and custom lock is for. If I want to post only for myself I set it to private and if I don't want to post my writing at all, I just don't post it. And there is no need to justify my choices about what I decide to share with whom to anybody; there is no need to make mountains out of molehills and there is no need for blowing this out of proportions and creating any unnecessary drama over it.
Yes, sometimes it's just that simple *laughs* Some of my writing, I will be posting publicly as I ever did. But some of my writing will be locked down now; you can think of it as some sort of my own little community and entry is members only. People who want in will join, people who don't will just keep reading the things that are open to everybody.
Part of the reason is that I don't want some of my writing that is more... personal to be out there in the open anymore, but another part of it is just that public blogging comes with a certain amount of pressure and different kinds of drawbacks - and in view of all the changes happening in my life and in my personality, I don't need any more exposure to that pressure and those drawbacks than I really want to. I'll still be writing one-shots and shorter stories for everybody to enjoy, so if you're not on my f-list and don't really care about my locked stories you will still be able to read what writing of mine is posted publicly and to communities. However if you want to read some of my more private pieces, you'd have to ask me to add you.
Please bear in mind that if you join and remain perpetually silent/inactive, your membership will eventually be revoked again after a couple of months when I go about checking through my f-list. So don't join unless you're certain that you'd want to take the time and make yourself known (ergo leave a comment) every once in a while, otherwise you can simply read and enjoy my publicly shared stuff.