Of all the things that have got my goat in the past week, the eco website called something like (irritatingly I can't remember the exact title) thisissimple.org wins the prize. This is a green website campaigning for Gordon Brown to do the right thing at the Bali summit
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I feel an urge to write about beer (which is unusual, because I usually prefer to drink it), and economics (which is just unusual). I know the rational response to this urge is to go and lie down in a darkened room until it goes away again (the urge, not the beer), but whoever said there was any rationality in me? Insert your own joke about
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Since 1 July, we've had a smoking ban in England. Smoking is banned in virtually all public indoor places, including (but not limited to, as lawyers would say) pubs, restaurants, hotels, shops and almost all workplaces
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Everybody knows a lot about something. Whether it be large topics or narrow ones, serious or silly, everyone has some detailed knowledge, be it Harry Potter, poker, game shows, cataloguing, BDSM or human rights
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Like many sports, croquet is basically a game of confidence (at least as far as the skill side goes - tactics are another matter). Step onto the court feeling good and you're halfway to victory already. The trouble is that confidence is very hard to engender. As an example, on a handful of occasions in my croquet career I've stepped up to a long
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Of all the LJ blogs I read, there is never anything about football. This is perhaps unsurprising as most of them are by Americans, who tend not to be that interested in the round ball game. And then there is Chris who supports Sunderland and therefore by default knows less than nothing about football. So to redress the balance, ( here is something about football. )
There are three main reasons I don't post much on LJ. 1) Technically incompetent. 2) Lack of time. 3) Disinclined to open myself up (as many do) or post in snippets (as do others).