OK, that's it. For whatever reason, I have typed up Saturday's report TWICE and the computer ate it. THAT'S IT. I'VE HAD IT. I'm posting the damn pics and leaving the story out of it!
I'm at so frakin' mad at this piece of machinery right now!
Here! Enjoy before I take a baseball bat to this thing! Warning, image heavy.
Saturday pics, no story.........dammit! )
Comments 7
I'll SO go to your facebook page cause I wanna see that gay picture! LOL
There was someone in Chicago who complained about Joe not doing one of the breakfast/desert things for Gold Memembers there. One of the handlers explained the last time Joe did one of those breakfast things where there 300 people at tables that you go to each table and chat with a for a few mints..anyways when he saw how many ppl were there from around the corner he was terrified and has backed up against the wall before taking a moment to deal with it. She said after that he stopped doing them---but does the private cocktail thing since it consists of 9 people.
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