А вообще, хотел бы поговорить о русской литературе. Она мне всегда не нравилась. Не в том смысле, что у нас слабые писатели - Достоевский, Толстой, Чехов - это все писатели мирового уровня. В том смысле, что хороший человек на русской литературе не вырастет. Вот серьезно, всякий раз когда я встречаю разбитого, закомплексованного интеллигента,
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In Christianity, the prologue of the Gospel of John calls Jesus "the Logos" (usually translated as "the Word" in English bibles such as the KJV). Christians who profess belief in the Trinity often consider this to be a central text in their belief that Jesus is the Divine Son of God. Usually in connection with the idea that God and Jesus are equals.
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В христианстве, да и в большинстве иных религий и философских систем - Бог и Логос совершенно разные понятия.
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In Christianity, the prologue of the Gospel of John calls Jesus "the Logos" (usually translated as "the Word" in English Bibles such as the KJV). Christians who profess belief in the Trinity often consider this to be a central text in their belief that Jesus is the Divine Son of God, in connection with the idea that God and Jesus are equals.
Other scholars[citation needed], however, disagree with this translation and the subsequent interpretation of the text. Some Translations render John 1:1 to state "and the Word was a god" rather than the more Traditional "the Word was God." This translation is seen in Bible Versions such as the NWT, as well as several German Translations.
Наоборот, разумеется Логос есть Бог, а Бог есть Мир, Вселенная. А обратное неверно.
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