Pictures of the chick

Aug 04, 2007 23:26

Here are some pictures of the little quail chick. It hatched a week ago, while we were watching Order of the Phoenix in fuzzy 3D.

pics! )


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Comments 11

lalaith_niniel August 5 2007, 03:44:31 UTC
That is too adorable!

Now I want a baby quail chick, except I think the kitty would eat it or think it was the best toy we ever bought it


gatewaygirl August 5 2007, 13:10:08 UTC
Yeah, I'm worried about that one during the time it's started to get airborne, but is still too small to go out in the aviary. It's currently in a large box with a mesh top. We'll need to be much more careful when sitting there with the top slid half off.


lyonesse August 5 2007, 04:02:01 UTC
i confess i still think of it as "persistence the quail" :)


gatewaygirl August 5 2007, 13:21:23 UTC


slickmeister August 5 2007, 05:20:23 UTC
My roomate and I fostered a quail chick for a while... Cute buggers, but it sometimes seems like they can leap 10 feet in the air. Yours jumping yet?


gatewaygirl August 5 2007, 13:25:24 UTC
Yes! Not so high, yet, but it looks like a cartoon when it's startled. It goes straight up, and then there's a blur, and then it's on the other side of the box. As I said earlier, I'm worried about the cats when it's a little older -- though they haven't shown any interest since the first day.


orpheneritus August 5 2007, 08:54:34 UTC
So cute ^____^ Does it follow you around some?


gatewaygirl August 5 2007, 13:28:10 UTC
It's in a brooder box, so it can't. It's just old enough (a week) so we can lower the temperature under its lamp from 100 F to 95 F.

I expect it will when it's older. The chickens do -- people have the best treats!


dacro August 6 2007, 00:21:16 UTC
so sweet!


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