Icing my foot...

Jun 10, 2015 22:00

Considering I haven't worked on balance beam since 8th grade, I did okay. Except for that last time coming off when I didn't jump clear and caught my foot. Ouch.

I'm pretty sure it's nothing that Ice'n'Ibuprofen won't fix.

Despite this, enjoying Adult Gymnastics.

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fun, rl

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Comments 7

aubergineautumn June 11 2015, 10:01:00 UTC
I've been thinking of doing Adult Gymnastics too! Did you do gymnastics when you were younger, or is it all new to you?


gatewaygirl July 11 2015, 04:20:48 UTC
Hi! It's half new. I did trampoline and vault as part of gym in middle school, but never took gymnastics the way kids do now. I tried this class before a few years ago and couldn't manage it. I'm in better shape now (thanks to a year of http://www.precisionnutrition.com), so merely way behind. :-)

Trying to get a good handstand is much more motivating (for me) than most fitness workouts, and bouncing down the tumble-track is downright fun. I recommend giving it a try, but if you're not in good shape, do a few boring months of general fitness first, to raise your resistance to injury.


(The comment has been removed)

gatewaygirl July 11 2015, 04:22:58 UTC
Great! I'm sure you can handle it. Catch me some time for details. This is at GymStreet in Tewksbury, and I'll go over pros and cons with you.


pyrotechnik June 11 2015, 15:33:44 UTC
I've been wanting to get into Adult Gymnastics, but I can never find a place that doesn't cater strictly to children and cheerleading. How did you find yours, and how do you like it so far?


gatewaygirl July 11 2015, 04:33:40 UTC
Hi -- sorry about the lag, but I've been waiting to see if this was a mistake. (Verdict -- no.) I'm not sure how you find it, though. My sort-of goddaughter -- we don't actually have a religion in common, but I was the adult in line to be her guardian if her parents died -- freaked out about aging out of gymnastics, and her coach found her this place, which had just added an 'adult' class. Some of it is just 'fitness' stuff, but enough is cool to be worth it.

SO... Maybe find a 17-year-old with gymnastics connections?


nuclearpolymer June 11 2015, 15:48:21 UTC
Neat! There is a circus arts place around here that a lot of my friends have enjoyed for adult tumbling classes.


nuclearpolymer June 11 2015, 15:50:20 UTC
Tangentially...I get irked how the adjective "adult" seems to mean "rated X" for a lot of people, and the adjective "family" or "family friendly" seems to mean "child-centric"!


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