Okay, I admit that was a poor excuse for a computer joke / subject line. But I've run out of fun and witty things to put there. And besides, I never denied my inner geek.
I have been trying to post on this thing for a few weeks now. But every time I get bogged down by one thing or another. So, without further ado...
The rest of my Norfolk trip and other ramblings )
Comments 9
I had a great time, and am glad you enjoyed yourself, too.
I haven't yet seen Covert Affairs, although I want to. But, I did see Eriq on the previews for the next one and that made me happy. I don't think I've seen him in anything since I saw him in an episode of "Without A Trace" a few years back. I'm hoping that he'll end up guest starring on "Falling Skies". It would be so nice to see him and Noah on screen together again.
Yes, the cheesecake was very yummy and worth the wait!
I am really enjoying Covert Affairs. It's fun and flirty. The reviews on it seem to be pretty good, so I hope it sticks around. I haven't seen Eriq in anything since ER myself. I would LOVE for him to be in Falling Skies! That would be great.
I enjoyed our visit SO MUCH. I had a great time and it the highlight of the trip. Call me easily entertained if ya like ;) But getting to meet people in real life with the same interests and stuff is so great.
I wish you good luck with all of your procedures!
Thanks! I am excited about it :)
I find it ironic how he has about the same numbers in eye vision as you do - yet we don't have anything that would come close to 'being legally blind'.
Also, are there pictures (I think it was x-rays we talked about?) of the stuff in your shoulder/arm yet? :-p
So, in all actuality by the law, I'm not "legally" blind per se. Corrective lens WILL correct my vision. But without glasses, I meet the criteria; however for legal purposes it has to be unmanageable with corrective lens. Does that make sense?
I guess saying legally blind isn't actually true in my case. Just blind as a bat maybe?
I haven't even followed up on the pics! Thanks for reminding me. I shall look into this again. :)
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