I'm about to load up some pics in a few minutes. I finally got her to sit still long enough, lol.
*hugs tight* I've missed you! And I did get your wonderful card, btw. I was terrible with my own. I only sent out a few, but I am working on Valentine's to make up for it. So look for a Valentine next month!
Comments 10
((( Sis ))) Hope things get better.
Oh an dog!! Hehe! So Sam, huh?! LMAO
But I like Carter's name to, Rosie very cute!
*hugs tight* I hope work gets better soon too. But I don't really expect it to.
Congrats on the puppy. May we see pics? *loves puppies* And the name is cute. Rosie I mean. :-D
I'm about to load up some pics in a few minutes. I finally got her to sit still long enough, lol.
*hugs tight* I've missed you! And I did get your wonderful card, btw. I was terrible with my own. I only sent out a few, but I am working on Valentine's to make up for it. So look for a Valentine next month!
Ohh cool!
*hugs you tight* You are welcome Sweetie! Ohh I get a Valentine's Card? *is exited* Might well be the only one I get. :-D *glombs*
Oh I hope you can get pictures soon. I'd love to see her. :-)
Happy Early Birthday to the birthday boy!
I'll pass along the early birthday wishes to the big boy! :D
I'm hoping to get my fic spark back, so thanks for the encouragement. :)
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