You wrote "as" like the French word for ace ;D and I'm sure the Sovereign thought of himself as an "as" more than an "ass" (same pronunciation).
Ok, I promise I stop right now with the bad play on words. I watched Lifeboat again last week. I was going for Enemy mine and somehow ended watching Lifeboat ;) (and Enemy mine later) Two very good eps for the Daniel fans - and the J/D ones !
Your caps always make me want to do fanart too ! I've made a MS wall recently, I'll put it online sometime in the next days.
ahhhhh, just what I needed to help out this day at of the main computers went tits up...AAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank goodness for the pr0n :)
Comments 13
Excellent caps. Trian is such a sweetie, eh? ;)
I think we're actually up to Lifeboat in our 'from the very beginning' viewing, too. Prolly watch it tonight!
I like Trian too, but Keenan was my fav. ;) And even though the Sovereign was such an as, he sure made Daniel look like a sexy ass :D
I love that episode, I had to stop and go back and watch as well!
*hugs tight*
I don't guess you've seen any sign of the package yet, huh? Bummer. :(
You wrote "as" like the French word for ace ;D and I'm sure the Sovereign thought of himself as an "as" more than an "ass" (same pronunciation).
Ok, I promise I stop right now with the bad play on words. I watched Lifeboat again last week. I was going for Enemy mine and somehow ended watching Lifeboat ;) (and Enemy mine later) Two very good eps for the Daniel fans - and the J/D ones !
Your caps always make me want to do fanart too ! I've made a MS wall recently, I'll put it online sometime in the next days.
I love Enemy Mine too. Another great one, and wonderful J/D moments in it.
Oooh, can't wait to see the MS wall!
Oh, and a P.S. - you should be receiving a package soon... I hope! *crosses fingers*
Hey -- can I grab a few at some point to make some art with? (With credit, natch.)
Of course you are welcome to use them! All pron caps are up for grabs. Can't wait to see what you do with them. :D
(and your icon! ::is extra happy:: *g*)
*hugs tight*
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