Jan 05, 2008 20:49
PRompts are now open for the Ladies of Atlantis ficathon.
Got an idea you've always wanted to see? Then please post it.
You can send in as many prompts as you want, any unclaimed prompts will be posted as plot bunnies up for open adoption after the ficathon is over.
This ficathon WILL allow femslash, so please, when you make your prompt, exprss your preference, femslash ok, femslash preferred, no femslash please
Please send in before the deadline of January 31st
Three things you do want to see
Three things you do NOT want to see
Pairings or characters you would prefer
Pairings or characters you would NOT Prefer
Femslash ok/not ok/don't care (this is a MUST please)
Adult content ok/not ok
Any suggestions, ideas, etc (this is something that you can put as a 'i've alwasy wondered if....' but it is NOT mandatory for the writer to use, just a little bit of blind brainstorming)
In other words, a prompt could be along the line of:
I want a sam fic that has her interacting with teyla over the events of 'be all my sins remembered'. I do want them to talk, i do NOT want them involved. No femslash, no adult content.
Again, you may submit multiple prompts if you want. More the merrier.
Just remember please, the miminum count for this ficathon is 500 words, so please bear in mind that participants are not required to write a novel.
Comments will be screened and visible only to the mods.
Thanks and I can't wait to see the prompts roll in