Round 14 SECRET SANTA sign ups!!!

Nov 10, 2010 01:11


Here are the sign ups for Round 14 Secret Santa!!!

It is a General Round, you will making icons like you normally would (10 themes, 5 category and 5 Artist Choice) except you will be making icons for your secret santa, all you have to do is fill out the form that is under the cut, and leave it in a comment...on November 20th I will let you know here who you will be making icons for as your secret santa! Someone will also be making icons for you! Themes will be posted on November 20th and the round will close on December 20th. :)

Sign ups will be open until midnight EST November 19th...the sign ups will then be CLOSED!

1. You must be a member and have read the rules first.
2. This round will be a General Round with themes being posted on November 20th and lasting through December 20th.
3. To sign up, just fill out the form below and leave it in a comment to this post!
4. We could use back ups in case people have to drop out, so if you don't want to participate but might be able to be a backup let me know in the comments!!
5. When sign ups close (Midnight EST November 19th) you will be matched with someone using a randomized generator.
6. On November 20th, I will then let you know who your secret santa is for as well as copy/paste their 'What I like...' section to you.
7. The person who you are making icons for will be different from the person that is making icons for you!
8. Feel free to be as detailed as possible or as broad as you want in your answers as you fill out the form! But being detailed will help out the person who is making icons for you!
9. When the themes are announced you will then be making your icons based on what the person you were paired up likes.
10. Sign ups will CLOSE at Midnight EST on November 19th. Themes go up the next day and the round will close on December 20th
11. If you have questions, or if something is unclear, comment in the 'comments?' thread in this post. I will be tracking that thread!! Comments are screened!!

FORM: (Example of answers/explanation)

What I like... (This will be copied and pasted to the person who will be making your icons!

What are your favorite characters/episodes/scenes/series?- ex: Jack, "Pegasus Project", SGA, Original SG1 team, etc..
What characters/episodes/scenes/series would you like to receive icons of?- This might be different then what you said for the question above! For instance, you might have tons of Jack icons, but no icons of Weir, so you can specify here if you'd really love a Weir icon, etc.
What would you rather not receive icons of?- You might really dislike SGU, or Sheppard...let your secret santa know about that!
Anything else?- Anything that you'd want to let your secret santa know that you didn't already say...
Message to your Secret Santa?- Thanks in advance, happy holidays, O.o, etc

What subjects I like to make icons of... (This will allow me to make sure that you'll be able to make icons for the person that the randomizer picks for you!)

What characters/episodes/scenes/series would you like to make icons of?- This might be a repeat of the first question in this form but just in case...
What characters/episodes/scenes/series would you NOT want to make icons of?- Again comes back to maybe you've never seen SGU or you don't like making icons of a certain character...let me know here!

Mod's info... (This is for me as well)

Which series have you seen?- There might be a possibility that you've only seen SGA or only a few episode of SG1...let me know here so you don't get picked for someone who has only has seen SGU.
Would you be able to be a back up if someone dropped out? If yes, what time would be the best for you to be backup?- There's a good chance that someone might drop out so I'd need as many backups as possible!!(ex: if someone drops out after the first week, and you're in Europe and are free during Thanksgiving weekend (since that's a US holiday) then I might put you right away as backup)


What I like... (This will be copied and pasted to the person who will be making your icons!

What are your favorite characters/episodes/scenes/series?-
What characters/episodes/scenes/series would you like to receive icons of?-
What would you rather not receive icons of?-
Anything else?-
Message to your Secret Santa?-

What icons I like to make... (This will allow me to make sure that you'll be able to make icons for the person that the randomizer picks for you!)

What characters/episodes/scenes/series would you like to make icons of?-
What characters/episodes/scenes/series would you NOT want to make icons of?-

Mod's info... (This is for me as well)

Which series have you seen?-
Would you be able to be a back up if someone dropped out? If yes, what time would be the best for you to be backup?-
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