"The Unexpected" Art for the SPN Reversebang

Dec 04, 2012 08:44

This is my art post for my second prompt at this year's spn_reversebang.
tmn1966 stepped in as a pinch hitter for this one and I am truly amazed and thankful and happy and so excited about the beautiful story she wrote in such a short time.

Title: The Unexpected
Pairings: Jensen/Jared
Ratings: Art: general audiences, Story: NC17
Warnings: Spoilery for the story

This is my art post for my second prompt at this year's spn_reversebang.
After my first author had to quit (and there was no feedback that the mods found someone else --> me=nervous breakdown), tmn1966
stepped in as a pinch hitter and I officially love her for whipping up
the most adorable story in such a short ampunt of time. I don't even
know how to put it in words, but I am sooooo grateful that she did this
♥♥♥ Thank you so much, dear.

The Unexpected

"We often fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time and do unexpected things" (unknown)

Title Banner

(click on pics to see larger images)

Scene 1: Umbrella
(Original Prompt)
Jared has run into Jensen a few times but the other guy never talks to him. Still, he won't let him get soaked in the rain if he has a fully functioning umbrella (and no, not only girls think Hello Kitty is cute, thank you very much). Jensen just wonders if the huge, pink, admittedly nice-smelling hulk that is stalking him will go away if he just keeps ignoring him.

Scene 2: The Morning
“You’re freaked out.” Jared said quietly from behind him.

PS CS3, Wacom Bamboo Tablet
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters used in these images,they own themselves and no harm is intended using their names and likenesses.

the unexpected, jared, jensen, art

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