Out of the blue I got a CD in the mail today from Evie in Emeryville of six tracks from Kit Kelley's new demos. Very cool. "Jenny Said" is a big "Lola" like power pop singalong, and "The Tragical History of Doctor Heinrich Wilhelm Walter"(that's not even the whole title I think) is this huge Queen/Hedwig/Paul Williams type Faustian pop epic. "You Said You're Gone" is like a Bakersfield country ballad which I sincerely hope is not about me, "Kiss and Tell" is sort of a tongue in cheek soul raveup. I also got a second disc of unfinished songs and just outtakes which had songs called "Platte River Road", "Don't Wanna Go," "Underworld", "Metropolitan," and a cheesy 1980s movie soundtrack ballad with no lyrics yet whose working title is "Love Handel"(after the 80s band on Phineas & Ferb). It's really different from Kit's guitar songs. almost all piano, and very catchy. I am eager to hear more. Thanx
evesidwich for the surprise goodies. And thank you KK.
Things otherwise are pretty good. Still employed which is an accomplishment in itself. There is some dating of dapper Brit coworker, but jury's still out. Alex emailed me the other day from like Qatar or something. Very international.
Saw "Alice in Wonderland" finally. I should have liked it, wanted to like it but really did not. Somehow I think the fault lies not in our stars, not in ourselves, but in Tim effing Burton. Man has lost his way. J-Depp, however, remains lovely. And Stephen Fry! Yes.
Do you think people write Fred/Barney slash? Because I think they probably do.
Oh, here is the
Kit Kelley Facebook fan page and there are also songs
here and this ends the infomercial linkage portion of our program. Two entries in one year...wow I am a wordsmith. See you in 2011.