[The SFC clicks on suddenly to the sound of raised voices and a half-concealed view of what looks to be the marketplace. It looks like it was dropped, in fact, and is now half propped up on a piece of fabric, otherwise on the ground.
The picture it captures requires some thought to process, especially as it is partially obscured.
But after a moment
Read more... )
granted, it's probably an accident, and it's probably something he should essentially ignore for etiquette's sake - but since when has he had etiquette to begin with? not to mention it'd be awfully boring to pass up something this funny tbh.
so yeah have some laughter! ] It seems as though your friends have some interesting hobbies, miss.
... You! Hey, this isn't any of your business anyway! Why are you always around like this...?
[ oh! but this was slightly odd, since it sounded like the boy knew him. that wasn't really possible, was it-? then again, this was a network - and one he had utilized quite a lot lately without any privacy functions -, so. ]
I suppose I'm just a social bird, hm? Although you're a nosy thing, aren't you?
[ He has no idea how it looks, but wait-- ]
Hang on, you're the nosy guy! You got all up in my business last time. AND you never told me your name even though you kept calling me-- [ What was it... "Sir Death"? Wait just a tick, here, though. ]
Wait... are you... oh, I get it, you're from a different timeline! Man, this time stuff really is annoying, the trolls are right.
[ Glad to clear that up. ]
Nonsense! You're far more strange than she is.
[ also this mass amount of information from what seemed to be the boy's own musing to himself only served to crack his former theory right in half and add to his confusion. TOTALLY GONNA PLAY IT SMOOTH HERE, THOUGH. ]
Congratulations! You discovered something. Perhaps you're smarter than you appear. Now what did I call you-? If you're going to start a sentence, you should end it.
[ He learned the hard way the first time, when Break felt him with his Chain and NEVER LET THAT FACT GO. It was very irritating. Luckily they weren't in person this time, so this was much easier. ]
Wait... stra--hey! How is this strange...? You're weird, anyway, not knowing what amusement parks are and sneaking up on people in alleys! Man, if anyone should be demanding stuff, it's me! Guess they dumped you back and wiped your memory...
[ As far as they know, that seems to be the case, unless he'd been taken from a different point in time...? ]
[ he really has no clue what he's talking about - "amusement parks"? should he know what those are? the alley bit seemed legit though, but it's not like he'd done that here - yet, anyway. which brings the assumption that this boy had met him before. he'd be terribly confused and troubled about now - which isn't to say he wasn't, just a tad less so since this boy was something of a big mouth and had caught his attention with that last bit. ]
"They"? You seem to know an awful lot about this. [ about him, which he didn't quite care for tbh, but he still doesn't know how much the boy knows at this point... after all, he had said he'd never gotten his name. ]
[ And ugh, this guy is still unsettling as hell. That one red eye really bothers him, for some reason. It reminds him kind of... well, like the opposite of his own piercing blue ones.
... He'll just be ignoring the first question in hopes of Break leaving it alone. Maybe if he didn't reply, THIS TIME, he wouldn't get to him so easily? ]
-What month is it now?
[ he also noticed ryoji's dodging of his initial question NOT GONNA LET THAT GO but some matters are simply more important at the moment. ]
[ Better than "Sir Death" sob sob sob ]
And finally, it's October! Duh. Halloween's coming up--wait, you're kind've...
[ He makes a gesture. ]
D'you even know what Halloween is, Guy Who Doesn't Like Riding Teacups?
[ FINE WE CAN PLAY THE NICKNAME GAME and lololol never mind he only just learned what Halloween WAS 8') ]
Halloween? No, I've not the slightest clue what that is... Fill me in, would you? [ LMFSDLJ RIDING TEACUPS WHAT HE DOESN'T UNDERSTAAAND but he'll ignore that for now since it's clearly a stab at him and probably irrelevant - plus, an insult is very noneffectual if he isn't even aware of why it's an insult! the fact that he doesn't know why bothers him in itself though... YES, HE DISLIKES YOU ALREADY. ] Although I have to wonder-
-why aren't you more open, Mister Scarf? The fact that you're concealing things leads me to believe that there's perhaps something about you even stranger than fairy tales.
[ He shrugs. Hey man. CANDY. That is all he needs to know! ]
And Alpha is... well, he's really grumpy, he's the guy who started the Elevator project. He wears this white labcoat, REALLY pretends to hate us? But he's actually a big softie, I think. He went missing but came back recently... I think they punished him, but I dunno. Hard to verify that kind of thing when you can't see into stuff around here.
Well, silence isn't getting him very far. Ugh, this guy is a real pest. Sadly, Ryoji will never learn to hang up on these types. Ever. Because he's just too nice. ]
Haha... you really have no manners. What a hypocrite. Everyone has something to hide, even if it's minor. But I don't think that ought to affect how you treat people, because what they conceal isn't what matters.
[ Have a gentle smile. ]
Aside from which, it's hardly anything fantastic. And I really think you need to visit the amusement park here more. It might do you some good to have a little fun. You look like the type who needs it.
Oh dear, please don't misinterpret me, Mister Scarf - I really, really do love fun. ... I think meeting you would be fun.
On the one hand! Turning him down would be really rude. On the other hand, he is certain Break will figure out what he is again, and he is not too keen on it... ]
You know Minato-kun?
[ ... Are you creeping on his other half, Xerxykins B( ]
And I don't know what you're expecting from a high school student that'd be fun, but all right. It's not like I'm busy anymore, anyway...
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