LJ Idol - Morganmuffel

Mar 06, 2022 17:09

(Sadly no Milton this week - maybe next week will have a prompt I can use for it)

It’s always been part of my identity that I’m not a morning person. I’m not an early riser, I don’t wake up cheerful and ready to tackle the day. My entire family will tell you - “oh, she’s just worthless in the morning!”

Growing up on a farm, sleeping in was treated ( Read more... )

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Comments 13

swirlsofblue March 12 2022, 10:04:08 UTC
Thank you for sharing, it's such a relatable notion. So many of the people who knew me when I was younger still see me as the person I was then, I suppose we get stuck with our images of people


tonithegreat March 12 2022, 16:06:38 UTC
This is indeed relatable. Very relatable for me at 43 with two 13 year old daughters and a husband whose disability includes not having any kind of regular sleep schedule. Stress and maybe the start of perimenopause has added a new element also, which is that now, on bad days, I have trouble staying asleep all night. I do not enjoy 4:00 AM. But sometimes I wake fully at 4:00 AM or 5:30. It's the worst, because the alarm is coming at 6:40. Between undergrad and law school I had a job once that synced perfectly with my internal clock and I was able to wake without an alarm and enjoy my mornings during those three months or so. But it was mostly working outside and it was pretty physical, and I was also the very bottom of the hierarchy there, and I haven't ever had that mix of low-stress factors again. But I do look forward to what mornings might be in the next stages of life. It's weird to think that my kids will potentially be driving in 2.5 years and going off to school in 5.


mollywheezy March 14 2022, 18:58:25 UTC
I look forward to retirement, too, when I won't have to set an alarm! :)


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