Title: Saddle Up, Baby (A Storm Is On The Horizon)
garneticePairing: Logan/Kendall, past Kendall/James
Rating: M
Word Count: 2,259 (part two), 11,081 (total)
Warnings: Zombies, sex, POTENTIAL main character death (not Logan or Kendall, and no, I can't tell you whether the character is actually dead or not), minor character death (the 'rents
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Comments 8
And I'm such a pussy. I cried at places that I'm pretty sure I shouldn't have. Like when Logan was pleading with Kendall to sleep with him. And then when Logan told Kendall he didn't want to be left alone. Then I was pretty much a mess til the end.
This was great. Loved it so much
...also known as a pen.
...also known as a keyboard, because handwriting things takes forever.
I digress. Awww, I think that's really sweet. ♥ I'm so happy you liked it!
I'm going to re-read Your Perfection to cheer myself up again.
P.S. Does this mean you've worked through your writer's block?
Well that's just...O_O
Not exactly. I'm still stuck on pretty much everything I'm supposed to be working on (see every WIP ever), but random people will give me prompts like this that are so...I don't want to say outside of what I usually write, because obviously the apocalypse isn't a new place for me to be, but just kind of outside my comfort zone, maybe? Because this was, what with James not being anywhere at all and Logan and Kendall not having warm firefly feelings, which is my default for them. Anyway, I get these prompts and they hit me right and then I do them. Meanwhile everything else gets dusty and sad. :(
-ominous humming-
YES THE SONG LOVE ME TOO. I listened to it about eighty thousand times writing this.
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