Ever Since

Jul 28, 2008 14:28

TITLE: Ever Since
AUTHOR: Garneteve
SUMMARY: Ever since they first met.
PAIRING: Carson/Rodney
FANDOM: Stargate Atlantis
DISCLAIMER: I don't own them
AUTHOR'S NOTES: Written for mcbeckchallenge’s challenge #1: “At First Sight”.

He wasn’t sure when it was exactly that he had first met Carson Beckett M.D. It seemed like such a long time ago, Ancient DNA genes mixed in with Ancient tech.

Both of them were too busy drooling over the discovery of something new - something alien - to notice the other man properly.

They would bump into each other as often as they could afford to, before the other snapped with frustration. They went about their work in such close proximity, and there was no other choice except to split a room down the middle. Lab space was precious, and they were lucky to only have themselves in the Lab. There were other rooms in the Ancient outpost that housed four or five scientists or doctors. Yes, they were fortunate, and so they should be, they were the leading experts in their fields after all.

Rodney found himself nagging and whining when Carson left his medical equipment or research on his desk, and likewise began to make Carson back away when he brandished a new piece of tech at him.

The man was afraid of the very Ancient gene that he’d discovered, that much was certain, and when provoked (not that it took much to unnerve the man), Carson would skitter away like some sort of man-sized meerkat.

It was funnier than the first time he’d snuck up on the little Czech man with a large balloon and a pin. Those sorts of pranks would never get old, and no one could say that Rodney didn’t have a sense of humor.

He couldn’t tell exactly when it had become second nature to brush past Carson; his orange fleece caressing Carson’s blue almost intimately, leaving small balls of contrasting fluff on each others clothing.

Just the same as Rodney couldn’t pinpoint the moment it had become common practice for Carson to call him ‘luv’, or when hands began to pat shoulders in friendly passing gestures.

When they finally made it to Atlantis, and were on a balcony relaxing with champagne and chicken, and it felt like a relief to finally see their years of hard work pay off. A new home. A new beginning.

After that, Rodney missed the closeness of Carson, missed the banter and familiarity of having him so close.

He missed the warm casual touches as well, the Scottish brogue, and the scent of his lab was uncomfortable and unfamiliar without Carson near.

Rodney began seeking him out when his work was finished for the day.

Breakfasts, lunches and even dinners, he would show up at the Kitchens, sitting a few tables away from his old Lab partner, scowling into his coffee as he tried to work out a way of approaching Carson.

After weeks of trying to approach and spend time with his friend resulted in pretty much nothing, except for a few pats on the shoulder, a pat on the back of his hand, and a “now get out of here Rodney and get some rest will you” before Carson turned back to his work.

Rodney decided a more direct approach was needed.

Marching down to the infirmary, he found Carson hunched over his laptop.

“Carson,” Rodney began, Carson jumped and turned around startled, and when he saw it was Rodney, he gave a smile.

“What are you doing here so late, Rodney?” Carson asked.

“Don’t you mean why are you still up late when you’ve been chasing me away, trying to get me to rest?” Rodney replied.

Carson replied with a long blink.

“Right,” Rodney said, grabbing Carson’s wrist and pulled him from the chair out of the room.

“Rodney,” Carson began.

“Shush,” Rodney demanded.

“Where are we going?”

“You’ve been working too much.”

“You’re not one to tell me, Rodney.”

“Well I am, and you’re going to rest.”

“I was working on something important there you know. You can’t just barge in and drag me out.”

“Will you just shut up for one second?” Rodney ground out, still walking.

Carson stopped, yanked his hand out of Rodney’s grip, folded his arms, and looked back at Rodney impatiently.

“Right” Rodney nodded, satisfied that Carson was at least going to listen to him, “I thought you’d want to come and watch some DVDs with me…but if you don’t want to…”

Carson’s face softened from stubbornness to a smile, “Why didn’t you just say so then?”

“Well I wasn’t sure you’d say yes.”

“Rodney, of course I’d say yes.” Carson replied.

Back in Rodney’s quarters they sat on the floor against his bed, Carson next to him. Halfway through the movie, Rodney started as he felt a hand on his upper thigh and looked at Carson sideways. This was more than the friendly pats on the shoulders he had endured for years. And it wasn’t going away.

Carson was looking at him now, Rodney realised as he turned his head to return the gaze. His face was soft against the glow of the laptop, his eyes content and wide as he looked at Rodney, who gulped against the rising warmth in his belly.

Rodney opened his mouth to talk, because even though he was planning this, wanting this, in his mind it was him who made the first move. But Rodney was stopped from talking by two of Carson’s fingers against his lips. He swallowed again, fighting the urge to verbally justify his inability to control the situation.

His gaze shifted from Carson’s eyes to his lips, and then back to his eyes again as he felt the hand on his thigh shift until it was gone.

The hand came back, this time resting on his shoulder; Carson slowly leant in, brushing his lips softly against Rodney’s own. His breath caught, and he fought with himself to just forget everything and fling himself at Carson. As Carson pulled away slightly, his hand still at Rodney’s shoulder, the phantom touch of Carson’s lips on his still fresh, Carson’s warm breath ghosting across his skin, Rodney opened his eyes he couldn’t recall closing to see Carson watching him. He was close enough that if either man wanted to, there would be nothing stopping them from leaning in to each other to kiss again.

Carson offered a small smile, a dimple in his cheek and his eyes sparkled in the low light. He leant his forehead against Rodney’s and stroked his cheek with a free hand.

“Carson…” Rodney whispered, leaning in to Carson’s touch.

“Rodney,” came the whispered reply, “I’ve wanted to do that since I first met you.”

Rodney huffed a small laugh, smiling, and looked into Carson’s eyes, “Me too, Carson, ever since I first saw you.”
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