Sixth Lap (Accidental Video)

Aug 28, 2010 15:51

[[Hey, Thor. Do you hear that song? Do you? Can you hear that? No, you can't?

Well, listen a little closer.

image Click to view

Can you hear it now?

Oh, and don't mind this visual you're getting. It's just Richezza dancing around in his underwear.]]

Hey, hey! You, you! I don't like your girlfriend!

[[He bops his head to the beat, waving his arms in the air like a dork. He truly is dancing like nobody's watching.]]

No way, no way! I think you need a new one!

[[And now he's just... strutting about.]]

Hey, hey! You, you! I could be your girlfriend!

[[Nodding, he just points to the wall with a cheeky grin.]]

[[Maybe someone should stop him?]]


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