Mission 05 ❈ [Video|Action]

May 03, 2010 02:05

[What's this?  Looks like a group of kids are quietly creeping through the food court, looking for something.]

Dude, you were soooo seeing things.

Dude, I'm telling you, it was like a demon dog or something!

Did it have three heads?

Well... no...

Then it's not that stupid thing from that Larry Kettle series you've been obsessing over.

But I'm telling you dude!  It was a freakin' demon dog!

Well, come on man.  We're already here, we might as well-  Holy shi-!

[Oh hello, what's that?  The camera swings around to shine on a horned, red-eyed, dark canine form trotting out from an alley.  Of course, the group of kids freak out.]


Oh god, I don't wanna die!

Where's animal control?!

[Canine looks over at the ruckus, and looks rather unimpressed.  It lopes off in some other direction (holy frick, did it just jump onto a three story building's roof?!), a guide firmly clasped between its teeth.]

[NOTE slipped under NERO's door]

K I D   G E T   M Y   W  E  A  P  O  N  S    N  O  W

[ooc:  Feel free to post as a bystander who trailed Dante or someone who is just awesome/lucky enough to figure out which guide to call.]

dante sparda

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