
Jul 08, 2009 19:29

Map of the SS Thor

The Turtle Moves


× The S.S. Thor is large. It's about the size of a large city, meaning that there's around five million inhabitants. The hallways share the same width as a few city streets combined. Like any city-situation, there are nice parts, and not-so-nice parts, feel free to explore both! There are also more floors than what we have posted below, so if there are any ideas for floors you'd like to bring up to the mods, please don't hesitate!

× The crew are overly friendly and will do everything in their power to accommodate you and make you feel comfortable. Just don't abuse them, or you're likely to find something unpleasant in your bed when you wake up the next morning. Also keep in mind that just because the crew is friendly to refugees, that doesn't mean the rest of the inhabitants are. Those who've spent much of their lives building themselves up on the Thor tend to look down at refugees. This doesn't have to be acted upon, but it's an aspect part of gameplay that you can play around with if you so wish!

× Because characters keep their powers... the urge to destroy everything is probably pretty rampant. Keep in mind though, that any part of the ship that is destroyed will regenerate immediately to its original state following disintegration, alchemy, apocalyptic spells, swords of an overcompensating nature, and everything in between.

× There is a law enforcement and judicial system in place, with cells designed to keep in individuals of all species and holders of all special sparkle powers. The higher ups have taken a notice to increasing tensions and violence, and, although they don't care about the refugees too much, there's going to be increased security and punishment for crimes committed. PLEASE SEE THIS POST HERE

× All of the doors are made by the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation, and therefore each have personalities of their own-- all of which are very exuberantly cheerful. Except for one or two which, upon opening for a random patron will pleasantly say something along the lines of, "Next time you walk through me, I'll rip out your heart through your lower intestine! Have a blessed day!"

× The main currency used on the ship is called the credit. Your character may opt to have credits as loose 'change' (small chips able to fit in the palm of your hand) or put them all on an electronic card. One credit is equivalent to enough to buy a small drink. Five would be enough to buy a sandwich. A hundred million billion fafillion zillion jillion your own personal galaxy.

The Floor

Quite possibly one of the most ingenious inventions ever thought up in the Galaxy, and perhaps even the entire Universe. The Floor is a solid ground upon which you can walk, run, jump, somersault, backflip, cartwheel, dance, crawl and decorate with your very own chewing gum. Why, the possibilities are endless! However, one should note that in the event that there is no Floor, whether due to damage or an architect's laziness, you absolutely cannot walk, run, jump, somersault, backflip, cartwheel, dance, crawl nor decorate the area with your very own chewing gum. You're likely to suffer a very nasty fall, or, in the case with the chewing gum, make some other inhabitant quite angry with you, and, in accordance with Murphy's Law (the Supreme Law of the Universe), you're likely to upset a race that is more than capable of ripping you limb from limb.

There are ten levels of these floors in every part of the ship save for the head. Er. Bridge. Also, these particular floors happen to be white, polished and impervious to scratches.


If you were rescued with a mech, giant robot, or some sort of (relatively) small ship, then you're in luck! Your ride of choice will be kept here, safely, and available for you to view. However, you'll be unable to bring said vehicle into the main part of the ship, unless there's an attack of some sort. But that won't happen, right?

Swimming Pool/Dolphins

It's a giant swimming pool that looks like a huge lake, filled with saltwater and inhabited by dolphins. There's a kind of shore on one end, though it gets deep really fast. Don't worry though, if you fall in, you can count on the dolphins to save you! (Exceptions: If you're a shark, a dolphin hater, a dolphin torturer, or if you have a birthmark on your left asscheek, in which case they'll attack instead. Yeah, we don't get that part about the birthmark either.)

Residential Areas

This is where your characters live, sleep, breathe, throw parties, and, in some cases, die. (Most of these can be done in other parts of the space station as well, if your character chooses to.) There are several different rooms to choose from, assuming you have enough money. They are all the same size, but the standards may vary, and the cheapest rooms have to be shared.

× The Stowaways
These are located on the lowest floor of the Residential Area. Living here is free, and it's where your character will stay until they are assigned a mission and can pay for something better. If the room is full, you'll be sharing with four other people. Each bedroom is about the size of a student's dorm room, there's a tiny bathroom with a shower, a small kitchen, and something that might be called a living area as long as you're not all trying to stay in there at once.

× The Deckswabbers
You'd almost believe it was an improvement. You only share with three other people now! The bathroom has a tub as well as a shower -- too bad they're both in the same room. The living area is slightly bigger, but the rooms are about the same size. There's not as many holes in the walls, though.

× The Condos
Now we're getting somewhere! These rooms are shared with only two other people, the bathroom is bigger, the living area comes with its own TV, and the rooms are actually of a decent size! The kitchen also has a better fridge, stove and microwave, as well as a coffee pot, a blender, and a few other necessities you probably missed. Not bad, huh?

× The Apartments
Each room is now divided into two separate apartments. You have your own kitchen, your own bathroom, increased privacy. The downside is, if you want a roommate, you'll have to share a bedroom. Although that might not be a downside after all.

× The Suburbs
Got a roommate you want to live with, and enough money for something decent? Here you share with one other person, and while you need to have a roommate to apply for one of these, you also always get to choose who you live with. Some of these come with three bedrooms as well (making the other rooms slightly smaller), though you can use the third for whatever you want -- maybe an office, or your very own library!

× The Suites
Holy crap you're rich! Yes, you do in fact get the whole room to yourself. They come with two or three bedrooms in addition to a living area, but if you'd like to use any of these rooms for something else, feel free to decorate as you want. Everything is of higher quality, and there's even a minibar (though you still have to pay for the drinks)! Each room also has a holographic window, which will show you any scenery you want. If turned off, it will completely blend in with the wall, though you can also just close the curtains.


Some squeaking sounds can be heard on occasion, if you press your ear against the doors (and if the doors are willing to shut up for a moment). Aside from that, no one really knows. Yet.


The elevators go up, down, and sometimes -- if the Infinite Improbability Drive has been activated -- even sideways, and are exceptionally useful when going between Floors! There's four elevators on each corner, in addition to stairs that are marked with a 'caution - slippery when wet!' sign and always seem to be recently washed. You can also find them in certain places of the Recreation and Restaurant/Dance Club areas.

Recreation Area

There's a more reasonably sized swimming pool with chlorine instead of salt added to the water, jacuzzis, holograms for movies and virtual games of every kind, arcades, a gigantic ball pit, and every other form of entertainment imaginable. But who cares about the rest, THERE'S A GIANT BALL PIT.

Infinite Improbability Drive

When this is activated, anything can happen, no matter how improbable. In fact, the more improbable it is, the more likely it is to happen! A full explanation can be found here

Restaurants/Dance clubs

The three bottom floors here consist of a mall, with all the shops you would usually find in such a place. Above that are the restaurants and the pubs and the dance clubs. The higher up you get, the more expensive everything is -- but it's also more than worth it! Order take-out from any of the restaurants here and you get it for free if it's not delivered to your room within five minutes (locking the door will not keep the food from being delivered). The most expensive restaurant is called the Two Elephants, and has a one month waiting list unless you know who to bribe (who would suspect it's the janitor?).

Lower Floors

At the very bottom of the space station, where the false gravity is located, is the science department. There's a department for every kind of science you can imagine, even a depertment for agriculture, growing its very own space tomatoes! There are several lab stations to rent if you can pay, and many jobs to be had if they trust you enough (blow up the wrong thing, and they'll kick you right out).

On the second floor, or more specifically the northern quarter of the second floor, is a huge hospital, part of which is dedicated to medical research.

Secret Floor

Shh. It's not here. (Or at least not accessible at the moment.)

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