The Tale of Zuko ☄ Book 01; Chapter 01 ☄ Video

Oct 24, 2011 19:06

[ He's been on the ship for about a week and has maybe stepped foot into his assigned room a total of once. Most of the week was spent being in shock, angsting over his planet-go-boom situation and analyzing all the people. It wasn't good enough to lose all the things he held dear once; he had to lose everything he held dear twice. WHY HIM? Such is ( Read more... )


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I've been waiting for this~ unetrustworthy October 25 2011, 00:53:22 UTC
...I know what you mean.


unetrustworthy November 1 2011, 03:13:22 UTC

[/there is no honor in spying]


deconflagration November 1 2011, 03:20:13 UTC
Yeah. Honor. Without it, sometimes it's hard to survive. You end up questioning yourself and your motives for what you're doing.... But the lines for honor blur, too. Something you think is honorable might not be in the eyes of others.


unetrustworthy November 1 2011, 11:51:32 UTC
[She doesn't immediately respond to that. How could she? His words rang all too true; questioning herself and her motives? Every single day.]


[She hesitates, biting her lip]

Then how can you ever know if you're doing the right thing?


deconflagration November 2 2011, 23:30:34 UTC
You have to look deep inside yourself. The question of whether or not you're doing the right thing is something only you can answer. Not anyone else. Others can give you guidance, but in the end, it's all on your shoulders.


unetrustworthy November 2 2011, 23:33:54 UTC
...and what if you were wrong?


deconflagration November 2 2011, 23:37:11 UTC
If you were wrong, then all you can do is try to right it for the future.


unetrustworthy November 2 2011, 23:41:07 UTC
You think it's really possible to make amends? No matter what you've done?


deconflagration November 2 2011, 23:54:41 UTC
I do.

[ He's lying: he hopes so. ]

Even if you think you've been the most dishonorable person alive, if you change your ways, I think you could make amends. From the way you talk, it sounds like... you don't find yourself to be very honorable.


unetrustworthy November 2 2011, 23:57:23 UTC
I don't.

I did...some bad things. Really bad.


deconflagration November 3 2011, 00:02:23 UTC
You don't have to tell me what those things were. But I know what it feels like-I've done plenty of dishonorable things in my life. Everything I did was to regain the honor I'd lost, but it took me a while to realize I was just tarnishing my honor even further.

I changed... and people forgave me. So if people can forgive me, I'm sure they can forgive you, too.


unetrustworthy November 3 2011, 00:06:18 UTC

[Someone who understaaaaaaands]

They really forgave you?


deconflagration November 3 2011, 00:10:33 UTC

[ Half-laughing: ]

One of them gave me a really hard time about it. Her name was Katara, and... well, I guess I deserved it. She placed her trust in me once and I ended up betraying her. But even someone like her who can hold a grudge for years forgave me in the end because I took action and showed her I was good.

I still have a lot of people to apologize to... but at least now you have proof that it isn't impossible to receive forgiveness.


THIS THE BEST FIELD TRIP EVER unetrustworthy November 3 2011, 00:12:03 UTC
...I do, don't I?

It's really possible?


AND THEY DIDN'T EVEN GO ANYWHERE. deconflagration November 3 2011, 00:15:29 UTC
If you'd like, we can start with me. I forgive you for anything dishonorable you might have done, knowingly or unknowingly.

[ It may not mean much since he wasn't actually affected by anything, but... he does think she deserves that feeling of forgiveness. ]

So now you've got at least one person who forgives you.


I KNOW unetrustworthy November 4 2011, 01:11:50 UTC
[That was true; it wasn't much. But it was something.]

[It gave her hope]

Thank you.


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